Listen to the beat of the drums and beer. Good advice.
Me? I’d go with the classic DD Blend. Many others besides me have called it the best...because it is. Uhle’s has its Blend 00...It’s universally claimed to be about the best...the DD beats it.
The BCP (Burley cut Plug) is also pretty incredibly wonderful. Very Burley in character.
You need to grab 4 oz ( the minimum allowed of this) right now. After Thanksgiving it’s gone. Then you’ll cry.
For me, while the Cuban Mixture has SO much other stuff in it the Burley is pretty much buried.
Lastly, if you put an order in you really should try a sample of Oriental No. 40. It is unique in that it is a blend of 100% orientals with no Latakia. Very unique and a ounce added to any bowl will provide a great blended experience.
OK, that’s it. You may begin shopping.
Oh...BTW...if you call Peretti’s to place your order, don’t expect them to be polite...or even nice. They take great pride in treating customers like crap,