Presbyterian Mixture

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
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This is a review of the current incarnation (Made in EU) - the plastic baggied stuff. My memory of the UK produced stuff definitely clouds my impressions, but I'll try not to be one of those "Oh they've wrecked it!" harbingers of past glories.

Presentation: loose cut mixture, eccentric cuts including black bits, some golden virginias, and what appear to be maybe some small .5 cm x .5 cm cuts of cigar leaf.

Tin note: a fruity, deep virginia smell (maybe some perique, huh?) mixed with the leathery notes of orientals. I detect no latakia, but the smell is nowhere near as sharp as either Red Rapparee or McClelland's Arcadia, the two closest mixes.

This stuff is wet. Not damp, wet. It makes Sam Gawith products look dry. An hour on a plate makes the stuff smokeable.

Light it up, and there's that old friend. A deep, sweet mixture that has an "english" attitude but smokes like a Va/Per. Yum.

I don't really detect any topping in the smoke - if anything, it's REAL subtle. I get the tangy orientals, the sweet virginias, I think there's some perique giving it body. You want smoke? My god, this stuff is dragonian, to coin a term. Billowing clouds.

The wife does not appreciate the room note (and stale, it's bad... just, ... sweaty socks or something) but there are worse smelling tobaccos. This is for the smoker though.... tons of flavor without the campfire latakia business. Woody, plummy, sweet and spicey.

This kicks ass on Arcadia, and probably Red Rapparee too. It's smoother and fuller, and has no acidity or sharpness that really mark both Arcadia and RRR. I remember why I used to smoke this stuff.

I don't think it's the same as it used to be. But maybe I've just aged, too. I haven't smoked presby in some time, and I return to it as a much more experienced smoker, so it's tough for me to judge what is and what used to be. But what is, is a seriously tastey smoke that offers a little of everything... a middle ground between all styles of pipe tobacco, perhaps, and one that deserves it's niche (and it's pedestal for those who think highly of it).

Having this tobacco open at the same time as many others really reminds me how good it is. Once again, I will finish a tin of Pres, and then reluctantly finish 20 tins of other stuff, and forget how good the Presbyterian was. But maybe that's the point - the stuff's a treat.
Another one that's on my to try list. It's talked about like Penzance and the Froggy. I'm a sucker for latakia blasts but I need a break from them in my rotation. The way you describe the orientials, clouds of smoke, body, and all, this sounds like the punch I'm looking for.
Sasquatch":s3hzj36h said:
This kicks ass on Arcadia, and probably Red Rapparee too. It's smoother and fuller, and has no acidity or sharpness that really mark both Arcadia and RRR. I remember why I used to smoke this stuff.
Well said.
Presbyterian Mixture is one of my favorite blends in the Orientals category. There's nothing quite like it. But since I began smoking it earlier this year, I have no reference to an original blending recipe or how the old one would compare to its current iteration. As the tin reads, PM was blended for a Presbyterian Minister and was later commercialized after famously receiving praise from Prime Minister Baldwin. So I guess that Solomon (blender or distributor?) and his blender must acknowledge an interest in staying true to the original blend.
I like Prebyterian Mixture but its been a while since I've smoked any. This thread has me convinced to open another tin and have some more.

I'm working on an aged (three years) tin as we speak! I've smoked this stuff since the 60's. Yes, it's changed I'm sure; but my tastebuds ain't good enough any more to tell if there is a difference!! Mine was not wet out of the tin, nor do I think there is any Perique in it (I'm betting the spice comes from the orientals); otherwise I concur with the excellent review. This is one of my favorite Oriental (read "no Latakia") blends. I keep several resting on the shelf at all times!! :pipe: FTRPLT
I can't wait to try it some day. I have ten tins of it laid back with about a year-and-a-half on them. I hear aging does wonders for it.
I was in the midst of phasing out heavy aros, trying all the variations of Burleys and VAs when I purchased a tin of Durbar a few years ago as my foray into english blends,,,that cured me of any curiosity, and from that point on any blend that was even hinted at as being english was dismissed. Flipping through reviews I came across Presbyterian touted as a "light english" time and time again, no thanks,,, until I ran across Sasquatchs review here,,,didn't sound much like the dreaded english I choked on. Popped a tin of Presbyterian a couple days ago and wish I had found it sooner. His review is spot on,,smooth and full, rich, flavorful ,,,sweet and spicy,,, not to be missed IMHO.
Thanks SAS.

Will be giving that a whirl soonest!
Your review has me convinced that it needs to on the 'must try' list!
I hate I missed this review earlier. I have been wanting to get a tin of this blend to try it out. I am a Presbyterian, so I should probably have a good number of tins in my cellar with my dozen or so tins of GLP Westminster (Westminster Confession of Faith). This review certainly spurs me to get online and grab a few. Thanks!
Hey, I missed this one too . . . . nice job Sasquatch!

I'll have to give this blend another chance because I am a little wiser now than when I smoked a tin of Presbyterian Mixture a few years ago. I doubt that I really understood the big picture or could appreciate what I did or did not have.

One for the list.

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