Problems with Peterson Kinsale smooth finishes?

Brothers of Briar

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Evening all,

I've just picked up a shape 503 in the kinsale finish off of fleabay. Reasonable price etc, and was all excited until it arrived today.

I had assumed, looking at photo on the listing, that the dullness of the finish was just general grubbiness, and that a good spit and polish would work wonders. Anywho, it seems the dullness is down to the lacquer peeling off and just adhering in one or two spots. I imagine its down to age, and having been what looks like a well-loved, well-used pipe. (doesn't appear to be from hot smoking - no heat spots and the bowl is in really good condition)

The question is, how do I get the remaining bits of good lacquer off without unduly affecting the staining underneath? I'm going to give it a coat of carnauba and a good rub-up.

Any suggestions?

But, back to the original point of this thread - there doesn't seem to have been anything inherently wrong with the finish on this kinsale, it's looks like general wear and tear from plenty of use of a fairly utilitarian nature. This pipe wasn't looked after in the finish department - but the essentials of a good smoke were - bowl is good, stem is clean inside.

Just my tuppence worth.
I had a similar situation with an e-bay Jobey Band pipe. I sent it out to Floyd Norwood (FLN Pipe Repair on the web) and got back a beautifully restored pipe that was in like new condition. Floyd will remove the remaining lacquer, restain and polish your pipe. I highly recommend his services.
Thanks Marty. I'll bear him in mind.

if i make a complete bags of it, i might have to consider letting an expert have a go at it. Fortunately I'm easily pleased, and even a mild improvement on what it was when it arrived will satisfy me...... :D

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