Regarding BoB and other forums.

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Smoker of Fine Aromatics
B of B Supporter
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Park Hills, MO
There have been a couple of questions and PM's to me regarding the new board (Pipe Smoker's Cubby) that PeterD talked about here not long ago. He invited us all to go over there and check it out, which is fine - I see nothing wrong with that.

Regarding my joining and involvement over there, I want to set the record straight for everyone to see - here in it's own thread.

This is my Primary #1 Forum. It has been since the day I joined, and I don't see that changing. I do hang out and participate over at this new one too, but that does not mean that I am in any way unhappy, leaving here, or looking for a new hang-out. (Sorry, Kyle, you'll still have to put up with me. )

I will also get more involved in that Board soon, but I won't forget where I came from. If the Admin team asked me to get more involved here, I would absolutely do the same for them as well.

We are all Brothers here, and not just in spirit! I haven't forgot that, no will I ever forget it. There is a spirit of friendship and Brotherhood here that cannot be found anywhere on the Internet. Let's not forget what a good thing we have here.

For instance - PeterD is the Co-Admin over there (The #2 Guy), but you notice he is still here as well, and he isn't going anywhere either.

Let's also not forget what a wonderful Support Team we have here on BoB - from the Founder down to the Moderators. You guys do one hell of a job, and are an inspiration and a shining example to those who Moderate or Admin on other forums.

Hat's off to you guys on the BoB Team and Thank You for the Wonderful Job you do!

We now return you to your normally scheduled programming, which is already in progress. 8)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with anyone participating on any level on another forum, don't let anyone imply otherwise.

But now that I know that you're there Rob, I may have to join after all. Under an alias :twisted:
Nah, I'm just kidding. Like Kyle, I have time for this place and that's about it. A few posts here and there on smokersforums, one watch forum, that's about it for me.
I barely have time for this forum, but I do my best to keep up with things.

Work requirements, moderating a cigar site, and a guitar forum is way enough to deal with right now.

Joining yet another pipe forum is just not on for me right now. I'm struggling to keep up here as it is!

No disrespect to other pipe forums you all subscribe to. Right now BoB is all I can handle....



I'll second what Pdiddy said... Guys the mods and admins at BoB aren't jealous.. Start forums, do video reviews, fire up a pod cast.. do what ya want when you want. It's a hobby. It's supposed to be fun.
Some bro wants to try his hand at the headaches... err I mean joy of running a board I encourage it.
I am a member all over the place. I have time for few, especially at the moment. I always try to keep my identity separate at each. I am still Carlos. But I don't drag discussions from one to another. I will pass on newsworthy items. But that is even rare. One forum isn't any better than another, they are just different. But BoB is as close to home as it gets for me.
damn - there are already WAY too many freakin' pipe forums. i can't keep up with them all.

unless these guys are going to blow us away somehow, i certainly don't have the time and don't see a big win.

i wish them the best, but my roll call is already six damn sites!



What, did you think this was a typical Internet forum? :mrgreen: No, we're cool here. Obviously Rob hasn't realized that yet. :p :p :p


(I may also join up over there just to have an occasional presence... )
It's human nature to form groups and be territorial.
People on every forum claim their's is the best and
they get upset when people talk about "other" forums.
I'm all over the place, but BoB is still my favorite. :heart:
I think putting an unreasonable boot down on silly things like talking about other forums (except, of course, to talk trash--there's no need for that) is a good way for people to consider other forums. I stay here just because...well, I don't know. It's just my place. :) It's relaxed, without being sleepy, it's full of good fellas and gals who are either knowledgeable or mindful enough to be open, and I've learned so much by being here.

I wish all forums were as cool as BoB, and I hope PSC ends up being just another place people can go that's good. Kind of like bars--sure, everyone has a favorite, for specific reasons. Some people skip around. Sometimes one crowd just won't do for the time being, and you gotta switch it up.

Unfortunately, the territorial part of people tend to unreasonably "own" certain forums (any kind, really), and that just plain sucks. BoB exemplifies "equality" in the sense no one here is power-hungry, a gestapo, or tyrant-like.

Kyle Weiss":pbirha0q said:
] I stay here just because...well, I don't know. It's just my place. :) It's relaxed, without being sleepy, it's full of good fellas and gals who are either knowledgeable or mindful enough to be open, and I've learned so much by being here.

This. I have joined PSC and am participating, but this is my forum. The guys here at BoB, are the ones I have grown attached to. Not to say the same will not happen else where, just that you guys have welcomed me and... well, I like it here. I am comfortable here.

Puff Daddy":oryzhsk0 said:
I may have to join after all. Under an alias :twisted:
I think we should all join, but with new handles and avatars, then try to spot each other by our posts.
George Kaplan":k6ecnnjh said:
Puff Daddy":k6ecnnjh said:
I may have to join after all. Under an alias :twisted:
I think we should all join, but with new handles and avatars, then try to spot each other by our posts.
I think I will join with the handle "George Kaplan" :twisted:
puros_bran":fgwh7hcz said:
I'll second what Pdiddy said... Guys the mods and admins at BoB aren't jealous.. Start forums, do video reviews, fire up a pod cast.. do what ya want when you want. It's a hobby. It's supposed to be fun.
Some bro wants to try his hand at the headaches... err I mean joy of running a board I encourage it.
Said tongue in cheek, I presume.
Nile Rodgers":2qb1nw8v said:
You don't make the groove. I don't make the groove.

We make the groove
That's the way the Knox board was.
And it's the way this place is now.
It just took a lot of effort.

Being an ass here (as usual) :
"Why can't everybody just be nice and get along ?" is the attitude governing every other public pipe board out there.

Nowhere are people as lonely as they are in crowds like that.

Instead of that, why doesn't everybody just be authentic ?
Speak the truth and shame the devil.
Call a spade "a spade" and be done with it.

When you're taking that tack, you're being real.
When you have the courage to be real, you're strong.
Once you're strong, you can have honest relationships with others.
Relationships that are un-contrived.
Spontaneous ones that draw on who people are.
Once that starts, grooves can emerge that get people up and dancing.
Even spontaneous generosity.

When you're "being nice," the world and everybody in it is a bunch of "things."
In that mentality, everyone involved addresses the others in monologues.
There are no authentic people in that world -- only contrived, calculating, insincere personae bullshitting each other.

Everything REAL in it is reduced to an idea.

What an abomination !

Insincerity might work at the office but, as Russians say, it's "Pretty Poison."

It's a stark choice.
Dialogue presupposes relationship.
Relationship necessitates spontaneity.
Spontaneity involves risk.

Martin Buber":2qb1nw8v said:
Even violence against someone honestly confronted is better than impersonal, abstract solicitude for his wellbeing.

From the former, a path leads directly to God.
From the latter, the descent continues into annihilation.
When there's no Hot there's no Cold. When there's no Light there's no Darkness. When there's no chance of a fight breaking out, there's no chance of a brotherhood coalescing around shared experiences, perspectives & conclusions.

People are embarrassed by a lot of stuff they shouldn't be.

Fishfuzz":3m3s3yjo said:
Just like the Empire to invade another forum...


Why Fishfuzz, how could you say such a thing...

You're starting to sound like a Separatist!


This board does have a unique feel of camaraderie (Ok, had to spell check that one!) that I don't quite find on some of the other forums.
I realize I'm not very tech savvy but why another forum?? Is it the possibility of the owner making a living from the advertising like one other forum I visit?
It's like the web is getting watered down and redundant concerning our favorite past time of pipes and tobacco.

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