As most remember, six months ago my wife passed away after a long and great marriage. After a lot of thought and planning and even more work I have decided to move from the area to a place called Prescott Valley in up state Az. Its about 85 miles above Phoenix. Its a small but growing western town that is beautiful. I rented a small 2 BR house that I can afford on my S/S. There are too many memories here and its best I leave for a new life. The support I had from you during this mess has been fantastic and I'm very grateful. I don't know when I'll have internet again but I will get it at some point. It could be a few weeks or more but maybe not. Have to wait and see.. I'll be going up there at the end of this month. Thanks again for all your support during this highly emotional time. Hopefully I'll be back towards "normal" in a short period of time :affraid: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: