This thread reminds me of a golfing head game in which the poorer player compliments the superios player on some aspect of his swing in an effort to [bleep] up the guy's focus. ("OOooo, I see, you slightly regrip the club at the top before starting your downswing.) I agree with the posters who affirm that the idea is to relax and enjoy your smoke and put aside goal-related stuff that can bleep up your focus and distract you. Depending on tobacco, packing and location (outdoor? indoor?) a single match isn't unusual for me, and I do think it's kinda cool when it happens. I especially like one-match fold n' stuff flake smokes. But I gladly sacrifice a one-light bowl if keeping the ember going would require heroic puffing and lead to embittering the remainder of the smoke. Better to just acquiesce to the whim of the cosmos, let the works cool down, give a gentle tamp, and relight. FYI -- I also tamp gently around the edges leaving a little loosely packed hump in mid-bowl. FYI2 -- I cheat a little on fold n stuff charring lights by putting a wee pinch of a ribbon cut straight Va at the top just to encourage a good start.