So...tell us Don Pardo, what does our lucky contestant get?
Well Johnny, Pilot #19 wins two great prizes. First, a gorgeous tin of McClelland Pebblecut. This is the reintroduction of the old Ashton blend which many folks think is better. And of course it’s no longer available ANYWHERE!
“Selected red mottled leaf from Carolina, rich in flavor and oils, small Oriental leaves from Macedonia of piquant aroma, bright nut-flavored broad leaf from Virginia, and pure Louisiana perique all combine to form the framework of this blend which is hard-pressed and then lightly stoved to smooth and enrich, Pebblecut long-flake pipe tobacco is savory with a concert of ever-changing flavors, always intriguing, never dull.”
Plus...he gets a healthy quarter pound dose of “Sha’Are Orah” tinned in April of 2012 by Cornell & Diehl.
“This is a substantial blend with a special cubed burley base. It derives its subtle essence from the delicate interplay of Turkish leaf and Perique, further mellowed by stoved red Virginias...a microcosm of leaf adroitly balanced results in intricate and surprising flavors.”