Roctober madness!

Brothers of Briar

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Hey, thanks Kaitlyn. Good to hear from you.

So here we are.  Our Roster Of Raging Recruits.

Current Pilot Roster:

1. Commander Ozark Wizard*§
2. Co-Commander Blackhorse*§
3. Timbo*§
4. Fr_Tom*§¥
5. History Prof 1861*§
6. Brewdude*§
7. GeoffC*§¥
8. DrT999*§
9. BriarBeagle*§¥
10. Stick*§¥
11. Kaitlyn3837*§¥
12. Ocelot55*§
13. Warlock Bob*§
14. fishnbanjo*§
15. D.L.Ruth*§
16. Sourmilk*§
17. huffelpuff*§
18. GrampaGrossbart*§
19. glassjapan*§
20. DrumsAndBeer*§
21. eggman*§

* orders sent
§ reported orders received
¥ successful in recruiting - name in 1st Drawing.

So, to reiterate, the members I have down as successfully inviting a pilot to join are Fr_Tom, GeoffC, Briar Beagle, Stick & Kaitlyn. Congrats. That puts your names in the hat for Drawing No. 1.

(If I missed anyone let me know.  I’m well intentioned but often slightly scattered.)
Components for the drop identified and should be ready for final assembly for the run end of month.

Goodness sakes, what a roster! Pretty impressive group, I must say! Well done Blackhorse! :cheers:

I'm working on the mystery. Some details remain elusive... I'll be starting a new thread for it so it doesn't muddy our waters here......

Twenty pilots. Wow, this is going to be insane! :twisted:
I’ve only officially been back for about 4-6 hours.  But I used to be pretty active years ago even at the old yahoo group way before this one, in the past passes and secret santas boxes I had tons of fun until my X-wife found out I was starting to have a great time and raised my child support and everything else too. PLEASE I MEANT NO HARM TO THE WONDERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL LADIES HERE WITH MY COMMENTS. Please let me know when I am eligibile for some of these missions. It would be an honor to try to brighten up someone’s sprit and turn that possible smile upside down.thanks in advance. If I’ve been asked to leave just let it be known I have been asked to leave 2 different McDonald’s and a couple beer joints that I really had no buisneseven being there. Hahahahahahahahahaha

OK EGGMAN - you are pilot number twenty one. Your orders have been forwarded to your PM box. Congratulations on your commission.

You will need to post here that you received your orders.

If you have questions, just ask.
Winner of Drawing No. 1 has been drawn.

The incredibly lucky member is.....


Your prize will be packed and sent out later this week.

Alright, I have received my orders and my pilot # 21! So that means I must hang out here in officers club and knock back a couple several michelobs and some jager shoters before I climb in my trusty piper cub and get things rolling.

Got luck and god speed.

Blackhorse":jkkhauqm said:
Winner of Drawing No. 1 has been drawn.

The incredibly lucky member is.....


Your prize will be packed and sent out later this week.

Woohoo congratulations @GoeffC !
D.L.Ruth":8g4um40d said:
What did he win, what did he win?
Photo soon.  Keep yer shirt on.


OK folks, here’s the great prize(s) GeoffC has won in Drawing #1.

He wins a 50gm jar of 2008 McClelland Dark Star!

- AND -

An official Brothers of Briar coffee mug (no longer available).

The value of this combo is incalculable.  Both will serve him well.

So...Drawing #1 has come and gone.

Now it’s time for another prize to be awarded. Every pilot will be in the running for this one.  It’s going to be as close to random as I can do without drawing numbers from a hat or having a Wheel of Fortune spinning wheel thing. And there will be no “BANKRUPT” things to look out for.

I emailed my wife, who works in an office, to help.  I asked her to go to her door and to ask the first person to walk by to pick a number from 1 through 21.


Edit:  The deed has been done. Kim (her real name) was walking by and was asked to pick the number. She chose “19” which corresponds with the “Roster Number” of glassjapan!  

So “glassjapan” is the big winner of the second prize activity.

So glassjapan...PM me your mailing address and I’ll dig something out of my Cave of Wonders to send your way.

Are we having fun yet?
Blackhorse":3fn1sskq said:
So...Drawing #1 has come and gone.

Now it’s time for another prize to be awarded. Every pilot will be in the running for this one.  It’s going to be as close to random as I can do without drawing numbers from a hat or having a Wheel of Fortune spinning wheel thing. And there will be no “BANKRUPT” things to look out for.

I emailed my wife, who works in an office, to help.  I asked her to go to her door and to ask the first person to walk by to pick a number from 1 through 21.
Yay I love games
So...tell us Don Pardo, what does our lucky contestant get?

Well Johnny, Pilot #19 wins two great prizes. First, a gorgeous tin of McClelland Pebblecut. This is the reintroduction of the old Ashton blend which many folks think is better.  And of course it’s no longer available ANYWHERE!

“Selected red mottled leaf from Carolina, rich in flavor and oils, small Oriental leaves from Macedonia of piquant aroma, bright nut-flavored broad leaf from Virginia, and pure Louisiana perique all combine to form the framework of this blend which is hard-pressed and then lightly stoved to smooth and enrich, Pebblecut long-flake pipe tobacco is savory with a concert of ever-changing flavors, always intriguing, never dull.”

Plus...he gets a healthy quarter pound dose of “Sha’Are Orah” tinned in April of 2012 by Cornell & Diehl.

“This is a substantial blend with a special cubed burley base. It derives its subtle essence from the delicate interplay of Turkish leaf and Perique, further mellowed by stoved red Virginias...a microcosm of leaf adroitly balanced results in intricate and surprising flavors.”


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