Science Fiction

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adauria":43cex3lh said:
I can't believe no one has mentioned one of the great sci-fi novels of all time: Dune by Frank Herbert. The sequels got a little out there, but the original is a MUST READ.

How true, how true.

And what a horrible movie they made of it. Blech!

And I omitted one of the earliest and greatest American sf novels, told with humor, and it also fits my Arthurian interest....
"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court", by the old pipe (and cigar) smoker himself
Mark Twain, which I am proud to own an early printing of the first edition. :D

Al (in Canada)
No one's mentioned Arthur C Clarke either. David Drake would be in my opinion one of the best military SF authors out there, particularly his "Hammer's Slammers" series. Gordon R Dickson's "Dorsai" set is also a good read.

Just a few that I enjoy that hadn't been mentioned above. Though with everything listed so far you'll be busy for a few years at least.
I highly recommend the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. First book is called Eye of the World. Great stuff.

I haven't read a lot of Sci-Fi, just Tolkien stuff and went through a Star Wars book phase when I was younger, but my friend has gotten me into it recently starting with the Jordan series. Also have Dune on the shelf, but have not cracked it yet.
Sorry if it has already been mentioned but the Ringworld series by Larry Niven is a 100% classic. KInd of like with the Star Wars series, I would start with the original novel (actually #4 in the series) then read the prequels and sequels.

Most of the other really good stuff, especially classics, have been mentioned. When I was young I was fanatical about all things Heinlein, from the Lazarus Long series, Stranger in a Strange Land, to the pulpy ones like Green Hills of Earth, Have Space Suit Will Travel, Citizen of the Galaxy, Starship Troopers, etc.

adauria":ghej6wc2 said:
I can't believe no one has mentioned one of the great sci-fi novels of all time: Dune by Frank Herbert. The sequels got a little out there, but the original is a MUST READ.

I agree completely!!
Also, David Drake has done some great stuff with the 'Hammer's Slammers' series (Military Sci-Fi)
I'll second the recommendation for Philip K Dick. I've been reading some of his short stories lately. There's some amazing concepts in there. I mean, the guys stories inspired some solid movies: Total Recall, Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report... Really good stuff that gets you thinking.

Philip K. Dick is awesome, but you can definitely mark the point in his writing when he hit the critical mental breakdown.

It really is a shame--Dick had what he believed was a genuinely extradimensional spiritual encounter, and he was treated like a lone nut, while Ron Hubbard dropped acid and invented a cult of personality and parlayed it into millions of dollars. Hardly seems fair.
I'm still working on his early writings, so I haven't gotten to the point of the crazies yet. Should be interesting!

A lot of great books have been mentioned already but I'll reiterate some of the best and maybe add a few I like.

Fantasy: Wizard's First Rule Series by Terry Goodkind, Myst of Avalon by Bradley, and IMHO the best fantasy series of all time is A Song of Fire and Ice by Martin.

As for Scifi, I think the Ender Series by Orson Scott Card is fantastic. I also highly suggest reading any of the original star trek novels or starwars novels as well. It gives awesome back story and information if you're a fan of either movie/show. War of the Worlds is a classic along with Brave New World (which is IMO the best of the big brother style novels).
I just found a copy of Ender's Game at the used book store. Never read it. I'm told I should be ashamed.
Tock the Always":igybuaih said:
I just found a copy of Ender's Game at the used book store. Never read it. I'm told I should be ashamed.
Please read it. It will rock your world. :cheers:
I'm very partial to Michael Moorcock. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned him... :pirat:
Just picked up the new Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson addition to the Wheel of Time series which came out today - "Towers of Midnight." It's great so far. :cheers:
I've been meaning to get into the Wheel of Time series, but Tad Williams' Otherland took me forever to get through. And that was only four volumes...
Another Rob Jordan addict here, busy with book 4 at the moment and loving it :study:
^Nice! It's a long series, to be sure. I got hooked and read them all back to back in the course of a couple months. My girlfriend also got hooked and is eagerly awaiting me to finish the new one so she can get to it.
A lot of great books have been mentioned this far; it is a tragedy that not all of them have ever been translated in my language (well most of them are, but not all).
Never been much after fantasy but i used to read a lot of sci-fi when younger, some fine stories from Philip.K.Dick, Asimov, Clarke, Le Guin etc. Lately i've read some Jeff Long and Margaret Atwood. A line between great scifi/mystery literature and other great literature has been very thin, if at all.
To me the big one has always been Ray Bradbury. He has written some great books and short stories that i will always be happy to read again.
Another of my favorite sci-fi/mystery writers is Johanna Sinisalo, but i have no idea if any of her books has ever translated into English.

edit: "Not Before Sundown" was awarded The James Tiptree Jr. award in 2004
I came across Mote in God's Eye, a couple years ago and enjoyed it very much. I recently got hold of the the sequel The Gripping Hand and I put it down a couple of times... in fact I don't remember if I finished it.

I have read the whole Robert Jordan series, and I just got the most recent one, but I am taking it slow for some reason.

Regarding The Orson Scott Card line up, I find myself recommending all of his works to everyone, he is probably my favorite to read.

I have meet a person or two that say nice things about Heinlein. :)


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