Selling Tobacco?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2013
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I have no information on this issue:
What is involved in purchasing shipping and selling tobacco?
How hard or complex is it to purchase a quantity of tobacco (a barrel) ship it home (California) and sell it to either dealers or to customers?

Commercially. At some point you must be licensed. There are different licenses that permit you to do different things. I am not well versed.

Information is available here:

It's probably best to seek out a lawyer that deals with this sort of thing. No doubt after the Fed's (or maybe before) you will have state, and possibly local restrictions, licenses, permits, to deal with. You will spend a lot of money before you make any.
Great link, Carlos -- and good advice.

Probably not worth the hassle unless you've got a business plan and a good lawyer.

I know that in Canada, it's all taxed Federally, and there's huge penalties for individual consumers who purchase/import a kilo (2.2 pounds) or more of tobacco -- they have Provincial (equivalent to our state) laws as well -- these amounts are considered to be commercial purchases, not for personal use.
Unless you went to a single farmer and asked to buy a set amt poundage wise your not going to be able to buy it that way. And they don't sell tobacco in barrels or "hogsheads" as they did 100 years ago. It's sold bundled in large poundage quantities at auction.
Then as mentioned you've got State AND Federal tax laws to deal with in the purchase of tobacco. It's a nice and romantic idea to buy and DIY but 'fraid it's not really much of a "do-able" thing in today's world  :twisted: :twisted: 
All true, but you can indeed purchase LEAF on line.  This is, of course, cured leaf, of various sorts, and we're not talking hogsheads (unless you want to buy that much).  So unless you're in Canada or overseas -- yes -- you can buy leaf tobacco and experiment on blending, making your own mixturesm cakes, or flakes, to you heart's content.

I could look up a link or three, but I am sure you can Google it.
Still is an interesting topic, in spite of the tremendous efforts to make it impossible.

I wonder how far one can skirt the law while remaining above the table and legal; could you buy from a farmer and sell to a dealer? Act as a sales person or representative? Function only as a shipper?

Or perhaps one could take lessons and learn to sell it in back alleys and from car trunks; with lookouts and intermediaries (perhaps paying tribute to various drug overlords and protection agents).

Depending on the amount you want, what you intend to use it for-- Smoking or chewing you would be as well off to grow and process your own. Yes, it is not that hard
OK, say I wanted to make my own perique!

Green River burly can be used, but it must be processed and fermented. Packing it into one-quart Mason jars shouldn't be hard. Turning it occasionally sounds simple. How does one judge the proper aging and turning time?

Anyone know where to get 50 lbs of leaf?

oldbear58":tm9kroej said:
OK, say I wanted to make my own perique!

Green River burly can be used, but it must be processed and fermented.  Packing it into one-quart Mason jars shouldn't be hard.  Turning it occasionally sounds simple.  How does one judge the proper aging and turning time?

Anyone know where to get 50 lbs of leaf?

Go to Durham. N. Carolina to the auctions and you can get ANY type you want. "Course you'll need to hire some help to help you load the trucks you'll need to rent to haul the multi-pounds you'll be buying. And you'll need to get your Federal and State tax stamps to buy tobacco and any transit permits as needed for the trip back to Ca. Then you'll need to deal with Ca. as to what THEY require for you to Do anything with your tobacco. But you seem like a determined and enthusiastic dude so all this should be NO PROBLEM for you !! GO FOTR IT and let us know how it goes   :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Stuffing green river burley in a mason jar may ferment it but you wont have Perique, I really don't know what it will be called.
I agree with monbla256. Come over this way to the Carolinas,Maryland,Va.,KY or Tenn and you can probally get hooked up with it if you got the creds to buy it. Or you could find a Farmer that Grows Green River Burley and buy from him/her. The next trick may be getting it into that liberal (ha ha) California past the tobacco Nazis> Good luck in this adventure. Still think you are better off growing your own.
A brief search for tobacco seeds shows that there are many, many varieties and much technology involved in the process.

Sounds intriguing.

yes sir there is There are many seed dealers out there or I can steer you in that direction if you like, have raised several types in small plots, mostly heirlooms. I believe that this route would be your best bet in the long run though
New hope seed is good, have used them. Victory Seed Company is also good. You may want to look at, they carry many types and also a lot of good info. I have used all of these sources for heirloom tobaccos as well as other seeds. Best of luck

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