While you're waiting, I'd suggest you look into GLP's Union Square.
It's NOT a similar replacement.
What it is is dead straight Virginias, played straight. No Burley in the basement, no top dressing, no steam pressing, no nothing.
New, it's very subtle stuff. But definitely intriguing when you're used to Virginias being in your face (BBF/FVF with 2+ years on them), sugar bombs (McClelland anything), Virgina with candy flavoring, &c.
For that matter, I found it to be a "this end is the hole in the ground" introduction to what Virginia pipe tobacco IS. And I'd smoked pressed flakes, off and on, for 20+ years.
Similarly, Embarcadero. Another subtle delight you'll have to adjust to relate to. A hint of Izmir in that one changes its complexion astonishingly.
Then there's Laurel Heights if you like ribbon cut . . .
By the time FVF comes back around and you've given it enough aging time to be worth smoking, you may find that your tastes have changed a bit. And for the better.