Fuzzbrains - Test not the wrath of the insensed Commander thou lowly curmudgeon!
Quoted from the very first post in this thread:
As per SOP, it’s time to sign in for the mission. Sign in (if you are an approved and standing member) on the January Mission Thread…by posting your intention to fly. Do NOT PM me with anything at this point! Once your sign-in is received AND when we have about half the typical roster filled (10 – 15 signed in) you will be sent Official Mission Orders including your bombing orders and address. Do not PM me that you have received your orders…I can tell this by checking my outgoing mailbox.
I honestly don't know how much more clear it could be! Also, it is not rational or workable to require that I re-post every detail in every subsequent post in order for it to still be in effect. The posts would get sequentially longer and longer, etc.
In addition, voicing a 'challenge' as in your post above, even in jest, opens the door for others to perhaps consider that it would be OK for them to go ahead and fill my PM inbox with flotsam and fluff, against my specific request. I shouldn't have to remind you that as a Pilot here your role is to help by making things positive and more effective instead of fostering discord and doubt. I'm shocked (
shocked I tell you!) that you would behave in this tawdy manner.