smoking: a dirty habit

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2012
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So I love pipe smoking. A lot. That said, I also like to keep things clean. Hard to do as a regular pipesmoker.

Scenario 1: coffee in the morning. I love drinking coffee outside in the morning with some reading material and a pipe. I can't tell you how many times I've had ash or small bits of dottle land in my coffee. It used to bother me. Now I just drink up. The ash is just carbon after all. It should clean out some toxins.

Scenario 2: Packing a pipe. No matter how hard I try, even over a table, the tin, or typing paper little bits of tobacco wind up on the desk or the floor. Heaven forbid you spill some tobacco on the carpet. Did that once. I couldn't waste it so I gathered it the best I could and put it back in the tin. Packed a bowl. Noticed before a lit it that a hair was in the tobacco. Well, how bad could it be. I lit it up anyway...yuck....

Scenario 3: Tamping. There is always ash residue on the tamper. So....wipe it on my britches, the chair, my shoe, the carpet.... Yeah...

Scenario 4: the smoke. Smoke residue sticks to everything. The windows in my car literally need cleaned at least once a month because of all the smoke residue that clings to the window and fogs the view. The smoke also sticks to my big schnoze. My skin tends to produce more oil as a reaction and I have to worry about breaking out.

Scenario 5: Company. It doesn't matter if I've smoked hours beforehand, some people have the nose of a bloodhound, and since I don't smoke many aromatics, I can give off a very distincitve (and offensive to some) scent. I took a shower this morning I swear.

Despite all this, I love smoking my pipes. Despite all these "downsides" to pipe smoking, it all adds to its distinctive charm. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

#5 - a useful phrase I learned in the big house back in the day :

If you don't like my air, don't breathe it. :twisted: 

Thoughts: hilarious and true. :heart:

I'm an outdoor smoker by choice, as I detest being inside...keeps the place a tad cleaner. Not free from tobacco bits that end up everywhere when I pack a bowl before I head out, which I usually scoop up the best I can, too. Heh.

Ash happens.

That's Pig Pen Jones to you, Pilgrim.
I am really thankful for when I dump a bowl of ash on myself, which has been happening to me more often since I have obtained a full bent pete with a fishtail bit that I keep snagging on my lower front tooth for some reason causing the bowl to slip from my hands, luckily the button is large enough that it wont let the pipe fall completely but it "jars" the bowl enough to shake out some ash
Just about everything guys like to do is dirty. Why should smoking a pipe be different?
Funny you should bring this subject up Jesse.

My typical smoking area is either in front of the 'puter or in my La-Z-Boy recliner. And I've long been aware of the ash that tends to fall out of my pipe when here on BoB.

In fact just today I I took the keyboard and held it upside down and shook and tapped it to remove the ash. Got a huge amount too!

The carpeted area around the 'puter seems to be stained with all sorts of stray 'baccy components, as well as burn areas from the stray ember that  I wasn't fast enough to stamp out. Same can be said of the area around the recliner.

Plus, I seem to have a fair amount of burn areas on the sweatshirts and sweatpants I wear while smoking.

Don't consider it "dirty" as such. Just part and parcel of what I do.

It also helps to be a bachelor! No SWMBO here!!!!



I'm down here in the dungeon, in front of the computer. Tile floor. As posted above, every now and then I pick up and tilt the keyboard and knock the ashes out. After emptying the dottle, I turn my head to the left and blow out the remaining ash. Every now and then get out the wet or dry vacuum and do the area - generally when the wheels on my chair get stuck in the ash and tobacco on the floor!
RE: ash on the tamper.  I keep a paper napkin in a pocket to wipe off the tamper, and replace it every few days.  Yeah, I know, it likely gets the pockets a bit dirty; that's what dry cleaners are for :D
Could be worst. Chew! Not the chewing so much as the spit. And various containers used to spit into. And onto. You do know that chewing tobacco spit eats paint off vehicles? Oh yeah. So what's a little harmless pipe smoking compared to that? :sunny: 
Yes, all of what's been said is all true...I've adjusted over the many years of pipe smoking and I clean around the kitchen bar where I tend to smoke most often...and the car at least monthly...Of course, this has been a "way of life" for me for 53 years...Therefore, I deal with it appropriately.

...of those who visit my home, I make no excuse for the scent my pipes leaves...
PeterD":lme22r1g said:
Yes, all of what's been said is all true...I've adjusted over the many years of pipe smoking and I clean around the kitchen bar where I tend to smoke most often...and the car at least monthly...Of course, this has been a "way of life" for me for 53 years...Therefore, I deal with it appropriately.

...of those who visit my home, I make no excuse for the scent my pipes leaves...
This 100% :cheers:  :cheers: 
I smoke at the kitchen sink.
Get tobacco in my mouth? Spit it in the sink.
Just feel like spitting? Spit it in the sink. 8) 
I quit smoking cigarettes twenty years ago. Even then I was an outdoors only smoker. Over the years since I have at times been an occasional cigar smoker, sometimes not smoking for months or even years at a time. I am new to pipes, but likely will smoke them with the same regularity as I did cigars. A few pipes per week in the warm months and damn near not at all in the cold months.

I am an occasional smoker who is not comfortable with the scent it leaves. I prefer not to offend, I prefer not to foul my home, and as a middle aged gentleman trying to get myself into good physical fitness I prefer not to smell like a smoker.

But, damn, I do enjoy the pleasure of a nice pipeful of good tobacco!

Oh, the dilemma...
Well there is a bit of testosterone around here. After reading that "Man Cave" thread, I had doubts.
A tip from George Dibos (LL) : try keeping a sheet of typing paper under your ashtray for a week.

You'll likely be amazed.

I have an elder Dutch friend that clean his tamper on his socks.:lol: Been doing it for years, no way he's going to stop now!
Ha! I do the same withe my tamper, usually the edge of my t-shirt.
Yak":ccb5xfyb said:
A tip from George Dibos (LL) : try keeping a sheet of typing paper under your ashtray for a week.

You'll likely be amazed.

My desk in my studio is white. I now put an old Crown Royal bag under my ashtray. :lol!: 

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