Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Anyone else wake up on thursday morning and grin because you know the updates coming?

I'll even admit that some weeks I even get disappointed a little when I realize its 'just wednesday'.....

I wish all the etailers would do something similar.. Could you imagine pipesandcigars stock updates?? It would rival sp.coms.. And for pure reading entertainment imagine a pulversbriar update.. That'd be sweet.
puros_bran":l0qv0ztt said:
Anyone else wake up on thursday morning and grin because you know the updates coming?

I'll even admit that some weeks I even get disappointed a little when I realize its 'just wednesday'.....

I wish all the etailers would do something similar.. Could you imagine pipesandcigars stock updates?? It would rival sp.coms.. And for pure reading entertainment imagine a pulversbriar update.. That'd be sweet.
I love the Monday and Thrusday updates! Most days I'll stalk the site around the usual update time to see what there is even before the update notification email gets to me. :lol:
I agree, if more would follow suit they'd get a lot more of my business. There's a Cavicchi dublin wending its way here due to their Thursday update last week. (I didn't go looking for it, it called my name and whispered,,,"Take me, I'm yours, do anything you want with me" ,,,who could resist?) A couple other of their upates have seized my cash along the way too. Too many e-tailers missing out on this opportunity to separate us from our money.
Love 'em. I actually have them sent to a different e-mail address from my normal one as a precautionary measure. That way I get the updates but still have to actually make a conscious effort to log in and read them, otherwise I would end up buying something I can't necesarilly afford every time the updates come out.
I love, it makes me look good at work too, because I usually stay a little late on Mondays and Thursdays to flip through the site.
Yeah, it's nice. I've never actually bought a pipe from there, but so nice to look, regardless. I check several times Monday and Thursday to see the updates.
I eagerly look for the updates. Do you guys ever check it every half hour or so over a few hours? Amazing how fast the pipes fly off their shelves.
I get a message on my cell phone when it is updated and I race to the computer to see if there are any new Cavicchi's or Castello's in the shapes that I like. I sure wouln't want someone else to get there before I do :shock: Go to PAD TAD and just listed my most resent aquisition from last Thursday at
I will be looking forward to Updates in the future, didn't know they did it til you posted this thread.
Boswell's also on Thursday (as a rule). I wish "The Pipe Rack" would do the same, you never know when their updates will arrive. Marty is Marty!! One never knows when his updates arrive!! :lol: FTRPLT
One of these days I'm going to catch Pulvers site at just the right time and buy 2 a pipes and 2 b pipes for $100 or 1 a pipe and 3 b pipes or even 4 b pipes but never more than 2 a pipes.
I seem to get to his site about 30 minutes after anything I want and can afford has been sold..

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