Smooth vs rusticated

Brothers of Briar

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and that picture is four years old, its the only one of me with a pipe though, so I threw it up

In a new premium pipe, there's something about a traditional shape and a smooth, polished finish that catches my eye. If the grain is spectacular I like them in a smooth natural finish. But some pipes just look better in a blast, particularly after the years have added a bit of burnish. I like to mix 'em up on my racks just to enjoy the variety. Don't much care for rusticated.
...I have many of already stated, if the grain is of note, the smooth works fine...more appealing to me is the blast main reason other than I like the look, is that a rustic/blast does smoke cooler than a increasing the outside bowl area, heat dissipates more quickly...of course, there are other determinig factors as well...

Overall I like the feel of the blast and the rough texture... :cheers:
While I do appreciate a finely grained smooth pipe, and do have many, my preference is for a beautiful ring grain blast with a black finish. For some reason, they catch my eye and make me feel that this is what a pipe should look like.
cigrmaster":mecxg2oe said:
While I do appreciate a finely grained smooth pipe, and do have many, my preference is for a beautiful ring grain blast with a black finish. For some reason, they catch my eye and make me feel that this is what a pipe should look like.
That latter is a nice summary of how I feel about it. I like the Dublin style and have been looking in B&Ms for an acqusition. Finally gave up and found on the 'Net a refurbed smooth Upshall canted Dublin in excellent condition (I think it was previously owner by a piper who only smoked it while driving to and From church on Sunday morning.) It has an almost clear finish, beautiful 360 straight grain and perfect stamping. Couple weeks later I found, again on the 'Net, a new slightly canted Aldo Velani Dublin, also fatta a mano, blast that accented the grain, in black stain. Bought that one, too. If I were in a Sophie's choice situation, I'd probably take the Upshall. But the two pipes are sitting there side-by-side on my rack and they show what slight changes by the carver can do to give a pipe individual persoanlity. The Upshall is all traditional elegance. The Velani is slightly woodier, a wee bit stubbier, and more rugged in appearance because of the black stain. But in spite of their differences, each gives me the sense that this is what a pipe should look like.
femur":3q4r4an8 said:
I really have no preference there. I like them all.

Have a couple of stunning smooths (Pete Hopkins to name one) and and equally fine B&T Tinsky (BoB POTY) where the rustication is very well done.

A quick look at my (rather small) pipe rack shows about 60/40 with smooths being 60.

And frankly I've never found any significant difference in cooler smoking between the two.



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