...at least thats what our local News station is calling it, and not the first flake has fallen yet. They are calling for ~12" by 7pm tommorrow. We'll see, the kids are hopeing for it, they've never seen but a few inches at a time. Anyhow I've got the generator ready, we've got 20 gallons of water stored, dried beans and rice, canned goods, scraper on the tractor, firewood on the porch, longjohns are clean, and plenty of baccy, I think we're set. Maybe I'll just hibernate
for the next couple of months, this is an El Nina or La Nina or whatever the hell they call it year, so it's looks to be a rough winter.
Looks like a white Christmas afterall. :santa: :rendeer:
Looks like a white Christmas afterall. :santa: :rendeer: