So I'm a Burley guy... what does that mean?

Brothers of Briar

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Carter Hall, Prince Albert, MacB's Golden Blend/Extra, Solani Aged Burley Flake, Wessex Burley Slice, Watch City Slice, The Gatlinburlier's Gatlin-Burley, plus the various Uhle's/JL Peretti's/GL Pease's burleys. This little list should keep your "TAD" addiction going for a while!! Have fun!! FTRPLT

Whooops!! I forgot Granger!! Thanx, Haebar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Carter Hall, Prince Albert, MacB's Golden Blend/Extra, Solani Aged Burley Flake, Wessex Burley Slice, Watch City Slice, The Gatlinburlier's Gatlin-Burley, plus the various Uhle's/JL Peretti's/GL Pease's burleys. This little list should keep your "TAD" addiction going for a while!! Have fun!! FTRPLT
What @ftrplt said and Granger, C&D Haunted Bookshop, C&D Pegasus.
I've tried a lot of different tobaccos since I started using a pipe last December, probably close to 20. Most of them I don't like, but the ones I do like have a common thread - Burley.

So... what does it mean to be a Burley guy? What recommendations does the community have for me?
Hi, I really like burley’s as well. Probably my favorite tobacco so far is Mac Baren HH Burley Flake. It’s a VaBur. I rub a flake out real good and let it dry about 2-3 hours before packing my pipe. University Flake is another real good VaBur, but I like the HH a little better.

Good luck to you.
I'm smoking Stokkebye Norwegian in an Altinay Zulu meerschaum.
Then you are obviously a smart man my friend. Here's a few suggestions:

BrandProduct NameGenreRating
SolaniAged Burley FlakeBurley3.9
WessexBurley SliceBurley3.8
Mac BarenHH Burley FlakeBurley3.7
L. J. PerettiCuban MixtureBurley3.7
L. J. PerettiBlend DDBurley3.5
Watch City CigarDeluxe Crumble CutBurley3.5
Cornell & DiehlBilly BuddBurley3.4
4 NogginsBald Headed TeacherBurley3.4
Mac BarenGolden ExtraBurley3.3
Watch City CigarWaltham Broken CakeBurley3.3
Cornell & DiehlHaunted BookshopBurley3.2
Cornell & DiehlOld Joe KrantzBurley3.2

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