Soda Water: The Palate Cleanser

Brothers of Briar

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Trying a little Trader Joes Sparkling Lemon Water this evening because of the OP.
Remember your chemistry classes: lemon = acidic pH. 8)

Club soda = neutral pH (or pretty darned close)

You guys are just dyin' to mix stuff in that soda, ain't ya? :lol: Reminds me of when I first started smoking aromatics and enjoyed them, and resisted the push to non-aromatics. :lol: It's cool, it took the whipping of a mule to get people to NOT habitually put cream and sugar in their coffee I roasted for them. I'd tell them, "When you get good coffee, you don't need it." Then they try it, and the eyes widen, and the smiles ensue. "I've never had black coffee like this before!"


Well, it's a start. I hope it accompanies your smoke smoke tonight (or whenever) for the better.
Kyle Weiss":adovqvh7 said:
You guys are just dyin' to mix stuff in that soda, ain't ya? :lol:
Yup. Since it's not just me, I don't feel so left out. I always put a slice of lemon, lime, or wedge of orange in mine. I just don't care for the stuff straight. 8)
Kyle Weiss":zncgm056 said:
Remember your chemistry classes: lemon = acidic pH. 8)

Club soda = neutral pH (or pretty darned close)
The PH for carbonated water is 3-4 (unless buffered with salt, as most commercial products, which makes it more like a 5). The PH for Lemon/Lime soda would be 3 as well.

Lemon juice has a PH of 2, but the Trader Joe's Lemon Water is really only using the essence of the oils, not the juice itself, so we are back at the same carbonation for club soda (closer to 5).

And yes, it was nice. About as nice as iced tea (PH of about 3).
Fishfuzz":7wl4rlux said:
The PH for carbonated water is 3-4 (unless buffered with salt, as most commercial products, which makes it more like a 5). The PH for Lemon/Lime soda would be 3 as well.

Lemon juice has a PH of 2, but the Trader Joe's Lemon Water is really only using the essence of the oils, not the juice itself, so we are back at the same carbonation for club soda (closer to 5).

And yes, it was nice. About as nice as iced tea (PH of about 3).
The pH of my carbonated water is 6.9. That's because I took it from my tap and added carbonation to it. :lol: As suggested, since a person likely drinks from the municipal water source, I believe the body chemistry is used to it and likely won't react adversely if coupled with strong smoke or drink.

I did a pH test on Shasta brand Club Soda, and it came out to 6.5. I knew those expensive fishkeeping supplies would come in handy.

Your basic/acidic mileage may vary. 8) Glad your smoke was good, nonetheless.
Kyle Weiss":ecw6deeg said:
Harlock, I've heard Mexico (especially the non-civilized parts, which are many) rely on soda pop, cloyingly sweet concoctions and fruit-type beverages to supply liquid to people, because even if the water is safe, it tastes terrible. I'd be about ready to slap a Frenchman if all I could find was soda water to drink and I was parched. Both of these notions suggest traveling abroad isn't like the tourist pamphlets. :lol:
We've been having a water shotage here lately. Unfortunately, Mexico City depends on water which comes from the State of Mexico. Sometimes there's not enough to go around and it just gets shut off. When it does come, it's so chlorinated it burns your nose! I mean, this stuff reeks! Needless to say, we use bottled water which is huge business here. In some cases, refrescos are actually cheaper than bottled water so a lot of people will get soft drinks for drinking. Especially the underpriveliged.

Guys, water is going to be more expensive than gasoline soon. When it comes to bottled water, it already is in some cases. :no:
Hey, I live in a desert, too. :lol: It was just recently brought to my attention that "greywater" recycling (as in, the water used for showers/handwashing etc goes to the toilet rather than drinkable water) will not pass building code here. That really ticks me off. :| I'm no hippie, but I sure do like sensible innovation, and this spits in the face of it 'round here.
MisterE":zxpaiuu0 said:
Guys, water is going to be more expensive than gasoline soon. When it comes to bottled water, it already is in some cases. :no:
We can live without gas, we can't live with out water!! It WILL become MORE valuable than petroleum in the near future :(
I can't piss gasoline, but I might be able to process some profit one day. :twisted:

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