STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

Brothers of Briar

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I'll post updates when I see them. This one is a little...well...not very informative. I'd say dripping information is a negative thing, but then again, I wish McClelland had dropped more hints of what it was doing.

I hope this is OK to do. If not, delete this sucker. From the thread over yonder...
The folks who will really be hurting from this are the tobacconists who blend their own, rebrand tobaccos as their own, or who actually have Sutliff manufacture store brands for them. The Country Squire, Iwan Ries, Watch City Cigar, Peretti, and Uhle’s all come immediately to mind. I spoke to one of these shops at length yesterday and most of their store blends could be affected, but they have heard no specifics from STG about this. They’re as much in the dark as we are. He also told me that half of their recent order from Sutliff was backordered and he didn’t know whether or not it would ever be filled.
I'm worried about the Country Squire and their house blends. I'm also sickened how the classics will be gone forever, Mixture-79, Heine's Blend, Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish, Amphora, etc. then all the bulk blends. Throughout the years I've stocked up on the blends I like. I pretty much smoke Country Squire's Cowboy Coffee and Gawith Hoggarth flakes. It was nice though knowing we had so many blends to choose from. I have a strange feeling that we are going to loose a few if not more of our brothers in briar to cigars.
My biggest concern at this point is the decrease in bulk availability and distributors for international orders. If I am limited to purchasing pipe tobacco from Canadian distributors my hobby will see an immediate demise. I refuse to go back to paying $1/g+ for tobacco. Members have offered to help by sending tobacco. While that is a generous offer and I am grateful for the kindness, it is not a sustainable solution. STG's monopolization in the tobacco industry cannot bode well for future pricing and availability.
My biggest concern at this point is the decrease in bulk availability and distributors for international orders. If I am limited to purchasing pipe tobacco from Canadian distributors my hobby will see an immediate demise. I refuse to go back to paying $1/g+ for tobacco. Members have offered to help by sending tobacco. While that is a generous offer and I am grateful for the kindness, it is not a sustainable solution. STG's monopolization in the tobacco industry cannot bode well for future pricing and availability.
I agree. Having to depend on friends to send tobacco would not sit well with me if were on the receiving end. I would be so appreciative and happy from the kindness, but I was never the type to rely on people for my habits and hobbies. But what would worry me is NOT having the opportunity to just buy what I want. We are living in weird times, like an overprotective nanny in our world society. The question is "why" did MacBaren sell out? What was the point?
I agree. Having to depend on friends to send tobacco would not sit well with me if were on the receiving end. I would be so appreciative and happy from the kindness, but I was never the type to rely on people for my habits and hobbies. But what would worry me is NOT having the opportunity to just buy what I want. We are living in weird times, like an overprotective nanny in our world society. The question is "why" did MacBaren sell out? What was the point?
The family who inherited the company wanted to do something else with their lives.
Not that much, man. I have quite a bit of it and a few other blends I like.
Right before Lane moved out of the U.S. I did a major stock up on Captain Black, Lane bulk, and the Codger blends they made including Lane Limited Ready Rubbed. Did the same with Prince Albert. Over the last few years I just bought a tub a month and some tins here and there of Sutliff tobaccos. I'm good with Edward G. Robinson, Heine's Blend and Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish. I'm glad I tucked a few pounds of Mixture-79 away. I'm not ashamed to tell you that I really like Mixture-79. For the last six months I've been smoking a lot of Country Squire's Cowboy Coffee. I think I'll be OK with this Sutliff downfall but I'm sad for future pipe smokers not having the choices we had. Then again, maybe it will open doors for new companies. I know our country grows alot of tobacco.
I'm hoping the same thing that happened to beer happens to tobacco.
Small batch blenders start to make blends that are even better than most brand names. And like micro-brews they pop up and stay around if they're supported. Seems fairly easy to blend a match and thousands of blenders instead of fifty is good for our choices. Worked for beer and bourbon. Why no tobacco blends?
Growers (who really need our support) and manufacturers still need a market for their products and STG is only trying to drive the price to the bottom. Better to support craft tobacco than STG-Mart.
Right before Lane moved out of the U.S. I did a major stock up on Captain Black, Lane bulk, and the Codger blends they made including Lane Limited Ready Rubbed. Did the same with Prince Albert. Over the last few years I just bought a tub a month and some tins here and there of Sutliff tobaccos. I'm good with Edward G. Robinson, Heine's Blend and Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish. I'm glad I tucked a few pounds of Mixture-79 away. I'm not ashamed to tell you that I really like Mixture-79. For the last six months I've been smoking a lot of Country Squire's Cowboy Coffee. I think I'll be OK with this Sutliff downfall but I'm sad for future pipe smokers not having the choices we had. Then again, maybe it will open doors for new companies. I know our country grows alot of tobacco.
That's smart thinking.

Mixture No. 79 was always a big seller for Sutliff. I thought that one would survive the cuts. Btw, the base tobaccos are the same as Heinie's Blends.

Dutch Masters Whisky Cavendish was always an underrated blend. Same goes for the DM Cherry Cavendish blend.

A bit of trivia for you. The original name for Dutch Masters Whisky Cavendish was Old Grand Dad Whiskey Cavendish. When it was bought by Sutliff, they weren't able to secure the rights to the name, so they changed it.
Just wanted to say I agree with Ralph that the real way to assure choice and maintain a tobacco producing and blending culture culture in the U.S. is to support those that stick their necks out and continue to produce independent blends. Support the little guy, even if it does cost a bit more. Share your Craft Blends with others and help them grow. I may not be able to participate as fully because it requires international shipping, but the craft beer model has been very successful in Canada. I would love to see craft blending take hold here.

It is my understanding that C&D still operates independently, offering several popular brands manufactured by them under license as well as their own blends. Please correct me if I am misinformed about this.
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