STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

Brothers of Briar

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Thanks for that video Jim. Itgives some really important background information on how this STG merger has taken advantage of a generational change in tobacco as a business.

It does make me wonder if it will kill bulk tobacco sales, whether independent producers like C&D will have to turn to automation to increase their profits and remain competetive. Essentially leaving individual bulk purchasers out in the cold in order to reduce labour costs on filling individual orders: measuring, packaging, shipping could all be cut back. Scary.
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Here's Per Jensen's take on this and other things. The host speaks Italian, but when Per makes his appearance at the eleven minute mark, they speak English.

Thanks Jim, that gave some good information from an industry blender perspective. I always enjoyed his blends and miss them. Sadly, this is bleak information that, as mentioned, could effect tobacco farmers. The only small hope I have is knowing that at least one could even grow and cure it themselves, and it is possible to learn to case and add toppings. Still, I would bet most pipe smokers underestimate the amount of processing that goes into making the product that we consume. It is something to be thankful for, and I am.
A new and very informative Per Jensen interview. He goes into some historical detail as well as discussing the sale to STG.

Thank you Sir for keeping us updated and informed with all that is going on. I'm pretty sad that I didn't jump on the case of Edward G. Robinson that Sean ordered for me a few years ago. I ended up buying a half case of LLRR instead. I have enough EGR, M-79 , Heine's Blend and DM Whiskey Cavendish to last me for a while, but I would have loved to have the 12 tubs of EGR. I would have deep cellared 6 and gave the other 6 to my close friends who I turned them on to it. I'm a big fan of Mixture-79 Jim, this is going to hurt man.
Has anyone heard from Russ O.? I'm curious what his take is. Are his blends going too? I know a few people who love his Classic Burley Kake.
Thank you Sir for keeping us updated and informed with all that is going on. I'm pretty sad that I didn't jump on the case of Edward G. Robinson that Sean ordered for me a few years ago. I ended up buying a half case of LLRR instead. I have enough EGR, M-79 , Heine's Blend and DM Whiskey Cavendish to last me for a while, but I would have loved to have the 12 tubs of EGR. I would have deep cellared 6 and gave the other 6 to my close friends who I turned them on to it. I'm a big fan of Mixture-79 Jim, this is going to hurt man.
I know the feeling. I'm well stocked on EGR, and as I don't smoke it in a big bowl, I'll have enough for many years. Some stuff I overstocked on, and a few things I probably could use some more. But, I had stopped buying a while ago, and I'll live with how things are, although at some point, I may sell some of the overage or blends I lost interest in.
A Danish view of STG. At about 12:15 he says they are destroying the equipment so no one else can buy it and produce products. Really. That's sad. I didn't realize there's no bulk outside of USA. Makes it much less of a big deal to them.

I know the feeling. I'm well stocked on EGR, and as I don't smoke it in a big bowl, I'll have enough for many years. Some stuff I overstocked on, and a few things I probably could use some more. But, I had stopped buying a while ago, and I'll live with how things are, although at some point, I may sell some of the overage or blends I lost interest in.
After I pick up the tub of Kentucky Derby I believe I'm going to slow down, if not halt for the time being. I've only been pipe smoking for 15 years but I smartly stocked up on "a lot" of the Codger blends. Before Lane moved to Denmark I bought tubs, not pouches of the classics, Lane Limited Ready Rubbed, SWR regular and aromatic, Velvet etc. I probably have enough Captain Black until the end of the zombie apocalypse lol. Then I started smoking the Cornell and Diehl burleys so I ordered pounds of the blends I like. I think I over did it to be honest. I did the same with Prince Albert. I'm very lucky though, my wife has never discouraged my pipe smoking, she's never complained about me buying tobacco and or pipes. That beautiful woman takes it upon herself to order me any tobacco that I've mentioned in a conversation or one that she likes the room note of.
Has someone suggested that the factory move to America, assuming that the government might be more welcoming and supportive than the government of Denmark?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the guy in that video made it seem like there was more to them not selling the machines/hardware than just not wanting to deal with any of it and it being easier/quicker to just scrap metal it all. I was zoning out a little here and there. Did I miss something? What I heard was that it is punitive too, so nobody else can keep manufacturing tobacco product. To be honest, I'm more OK with them being punitive than some business sector not wanting to deal with it and quickly get out of it all. It's one thing for the govt being involved and dealing with health concerns than cut-throat Wall St./market systems playing their new games. Maybe I'm alone in that differentiation though?

They did this with vinyl record manufacturing too. I'm sure plenty of other manufacturing sectors, but I know they did it with vinyl pressing. They just scrapped a bunch of it. Then twenty years ago, give or take some years, vinyl exploded again, and they started designing and making new pressing machines. Gillette, and the double-edge razor blade companies, also did this with blade making machinery. The difference there was that they sold all that old factory machinery to Russian companies, so most of the double-edge blades you see today are manufactured in Russia.
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