Stokkebye Cube Cut

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
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I've been smoking this burley/va blend and have a comment or two for yinz. This is a bulk and arrives in a bag of thousands of tiny, hard tobacco cubelets looking kind of like rabbit food. The package has a bean bag texture, and made me want to throw it at someone. The aroma seems like Virginia to me.

Packing takes some care -- I use the gravity, light tapping method in a tall skinny bowl. Lighting requires patience. Several relights will be needed, but eventually it seems to want to get on with it.

Warning -- this seems to me an outdoors blend. The slight breeze helps keep it lit and, since the little burning cubelets want to leap out of the pipe at the slightest bump, there is less chance of ruining your best sweater or setting fire to the dog. This isn't a blend for your zulu or radically canted Dublin.

Once I got the hang of it, it became a nice, mild smoke for a modest price. I'd tell you about the flavor nuances, but I didn't detect any, which is not necessarily a bad thing for me. Maybe it will improve with age.

I smoke this on occasion. I love mixing it 3 to 1 with Smokers Choice from Boswells
I tried Cube Cut in a pipe I hadn't smoked in years -- a clay (ceramic??) Lepeltier with a tall, narrow, conical bowl. Still a mild tobacco, but more flavorful in the clay. The pipe and tobacco seem to be a promising match. One problem though -- Lepeltiers have the hole positioned dead center, bottom. The pipe itself is hollow. So this makes the ideal spot for a cubelet to lodge, and it can't be reached with a pipe cleaner. I'm experimenting with starting the fill with a wee pinch of ribbon cut to act as a screen. Might be onto something here.
So I bought this one back in July of this year. I'm a huge Burley fan, I just love the subtle coco and nutty aroma and taste that are characteristic of this leaf. As it was still fairly moist, I did not smoke a lot at the time, as being a Cube Cut, it's already a slow burner to start with. When moist, of course, it's not ideal to want to venture too much into it.
Last night, as I was inspecting the tobaccos in my few Mason jars (they're all bulk Stokkebye), I noticed the Cube Cut has settled to a much better humidity level. So I had to pack a pipeful in my Chacom Millenium 04.
Now, we're talking! I find a Cube Cut really gets me into a nice relaxing mode. It takes much better to the flame and smokes nice and slow, releasing those nice coco and nutty flavours. And the nicotine level keeps me happy, it's just right (medium).
I am going to buy much more of this one.:D
If you're wondering about this tobacco and you like burley, just give it a try. But wait until the moistness level is lower.
Grabbed a sample of this. I think I got lucky, because it stayed lit with one lighting. Also got lucky by not filling up one of my regular bowls. I would have been smoking three hours later. A good reason to have some smaller pipes. Not a ton of flavor. Very mild. Only a couple hints of that ammonia flavor that I associate with burley-heavy blends, but overall, a pleasing smoke. Not something I'll smoke often because of that, but definitely something I'd like to keep stocked. Smells fantastic in the jar.
Cube cut zings my tongue like no other blend it must be a chemical reaction.

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