Suggestions for Winter Aromatic smoking

Brothers of Briar

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Sent out an order today to satiate my appetite for indoor smoking and to quiet my wife's irritability factor for the holiday season. :cheers:
I threw in a couple of Lakelands that some of you have raved about in the past, too.

McClelland: Special: Holiday Spirit 50g
McClelland: 2000 - Fragrant Matured Cake 4oz
Samuel Gawith: Celtic Talisman 50g
Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Dark Flake Scented
Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: DVC Unscented

Really looking forward to smoking the McClelland 2000 FMC but I think I'll crack the Holiday Spirit first, since it's the season and all. :albino:
Frog Morton":q88hj8l5 said:
Are there any "English" or G.l. pease blends that have a pleasant aroma or are tolerable to non-smokers? Most people tell me they like the smell of the Frog Morton blends..especially the FMOTT!!
You might want to give GLP's Piccadilly a try. Pretty light on the lat (even lighter than the Frogs), but the room note is pretty nice (my wife hates smoke in any form, and is one of the few she finds relatively inoffensive).
derlict311":ivs3qqg7 said:
Sent out an order today to satiate my appetite for indoor smoking and to quiet my wife's irritability factor for the holiday season. :cheers:
I threw in a couple of Lakelands that some of you have raved about in the past, too.

McClelland: Special: Holiday Spirit 50g
McClelland: 2000 - Fragrant Matured Cake 4oz
Samuel Gawith: Celtic Talisman 50g
Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Dark Flake Scented
Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: DVC Unscented

Really looking forward to smoking the McClelland 2000 FMC but I think I'll crack the Holiday Spirit first, since it's the season and all. :albino:
Holiday Spirit is nice, but for me, the FM 2000 is the blend/mixture I smoke almost daily. It not only has a nice aroma most non tobacco folks can like, the Red Va's in it are sooooooo nice flavor wise :p It is a broken flake so the "fold-n-stuff" method won't work well but I just rub out a bowl's worth at a time, put it on a saucer under my desk lamp for about 10 minutes as it is a bit to moist right out of the tin so to speak for my preferences. I just load as one would with a ribbon cut, char light and then relight and get a nice 1 1/2 hour smoke in a grp 4 sized bowl :p I think both you AND your wife will like it :cheers:
"I've tried MacBaren Vanilla Cream before. Meh."

Try it in different pipes - I am amazed how tobaccos change flavor in various pipes. JMO
Hey there, I've tried Boswell's raspberries and cream and black cherry. I feel like they give a really good nic hit at least for me, and they smell great as well. Worth a try if you’ve never had them.

I've been wading through a tin of this year's Peterson Christmas Blend. It smells extremely good in the tin... but actually smells better when lit. Like some kind of Christmas candy.

My wife said it smelled like I was cooking something sweet.

If you're not into sweet, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're thinking of trying it out, I suggest opening it up and letting it dry for a good long while first. Possibly even overnight.

I think it is sold out at a lot of online tobacconists, but I got two tins at
Made another order or two of "wintertime aromatics" that seem to suit me. Maybe this belongs in TAD but oh well.

Milonga 50g
Blue Note 50g
DaVinci 50g

Haddo's Delight 8oz. from 2007 (I know, this one will stink to high heaven. I couldn't help myself. I have really grown to like aged Haddo's)

I also picked up some 1Q tonight and mixed in 1/3 of SG 1792. Smoking it now. It seems to be pleasant enough and tastes meaty for a hybrid aromatic.
Foxfire":93sk8jbu said:
I've been wading through a tin of this year's Peterson Christmas Blend. It smells extremely good in the tin... but actually smells better when lit. Like some kind of Christmas candy.

My wife said it smelled like I was cooking something sweet.

If you're not into sweet, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're thinking of trying it out, I suggest opening it up and letting it dry for a good long while first. Possibly even overnight.

I think it is sold out at a lot of online tobacconists, but I got two tins at
The guys at SG Roi in downtown Omaha were pushing that off on me last time I was in there. They were raving about it. I just hate picking up something that I don't hear someone else recommend (plus, Pete's baccy's have been hit or miss for me). Maybe I'll get that tin after all. Thanks.
Foxfire":zlxoee1g said:
I've been wading through a tin of this year's Peterson Christmas Blend. It smells extremely good in the tin... but actually smells better when lit. Like some kind of Christmas candy.

My wife said it smelled like I was cooking something sweet.

If you're not into sweet, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you're thinking of trying it out, I suggest opening it up and letting it dry for a good long while first. Possibly even overnight.

I think it is sold out at a lot of online tobacconists, but I got two tins at
My wife liked the smell of this so much, she ordered me a tin of it. :D

The tin art is perfect... this is like smoking Christmas.
Only aromatic that I liked beside Sail's Black is MacBaren's Plumcake.

You can check reviews here:
They are correct about the role of Latakia in this mix -> it's there, present but not overpowering. The room note has been favourably commented upon in the past.

p.s. Ladies really like the Black, and I wanted to eat it with a spoon last year. But this season I'm in the mood for sharper smells so it doesn't suit me well any more.
derlict311":fucpk9ro said:
The guys at SG Roi in downtown Omaha were pushing that off on me last time I was in there. They were raving about it. I just hate picking up something that I don't hear someone else recommend (plus, Pete's baccy's have been hit or miss for me). Maybe I'll get that tin after all. Thanks.
Peterson's tins are hit or miss for me, too, but this one is not just a hit, but a home run if you are in the market for a Christmas aromatic.

jgmitchell":fucpk9ro said:
My wife liked the smell of this so much, she ordered me a tin of it.

The tin art is perfect... this is like smoking Christmas.
It is truly amazing. It is definitely one of the best smelling tobaccos I have ever smoked. I smoke it in my car on the way to work every day and when I get back in it, at the end of the day, it smells incredible.

It's like a Christmas potpourri. I know the hardcore English fans would hate it, and would probably shy away from anything that could be considered "Christmas Potpourri", but I love it.

Foxfire":y70dp39t said:
Peterson's tins are hit or miss for me, too, but this one is not just a hit, but a home run if you are in the market for a Christmas aromatic.

I'll pickup the Christmas mixture if you promise to pick up some Milonga. Wow! No that's what I'm talking about! Sweet caramel and graham cracker casing over a pretty darn good Virginia and Cav base. Well done, Dan Tobacco! I don't know if I'll make it through the night without cracking open the Blue Note or DaVinci. Carry on, soliders.
Milonga seems to be quite the hit around here. Maybe it's high time I tried it out. I do enjoy a sweet smoke every now and then, but rarely am I satisfied by aro's.
DrumsAndBeer":x4b08ixo said:
Milonga seems to be quite the hit around here. Maybe it's high time I tried it out. I do enjoy a sweet smoke every now and then, but rarely am I satisfied by aro's.
Milonga was a nice compliment to today's (other) satisfying smokes. I smoked two bowls of Veermaster and then a bowl of the fairly strong 1792, so smoking Milonga was like a dessert compared to those two Alpha Dawgs. And if it's a dessert, it's a creme brule.

I don't think you'll be disappointed. Scratch that, I can't imagine being disappointed with something so easy on the buds AND your wife will love it.

derlict311":0y9be31u said:
I'll pickup the Christmas mixture if you promise to pick up some Milonga. Wow! No that's what I'm talking about! Sweet caramel and graham cracker casing over a pretty darn good Virginia and Cav base. Well done, Dan Tobacco! I don't know if I'll make it through the night without cracking open the Blue Note or DaVinci. Carry on, soliders.
Deal! I like DAN tobacco, but haven't tried that one yet.

Just for the record, I'm not a Peterson shill or anything.
I have been trying to get some of the much-vaunted Milonga, on derelicts recommendation, but no luck. Was smoking my first bowl tonight of Shortcut to Mushrooms, and really liked that. If you haven't tried it but like earthy bac, this is for you. Anyone have any idea what casing they use?
peckinpahhombre":wxmy65tu said:
I have been trying to get some of the much-vaunted Milonga, on derelicts recommendation, but no luck. Was smoking my first bowl tonight of Shortcut to Mushrooms, and really liked that. If you haven't tried it but like earthy bac, this is for you. Anyone have any idea what casing they use?
Heard so much about the Shortcut to Mushrooms. It's on the "short" list. :rabbit: Is it wife friendly?

Milonga has been great but what is even better for an indoor aromatic is Fragrant Matured Cake (McClelland 2000) that I got turned onto in this thread. I've been smoking loads of that too. Tremendous. These two could easily get me through the winter with a happy wife. Both are easy on the senses and satisfying for the smoker. I don't know how I'd be able to keep this hobby going indoors without tips from you guys. Muchos Gracias.