Switching tobaccos, same pipes, what to do?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2010
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I've been smoking pipes for about the last 3 years, everyday. When I started I grew to love English/lat blends and smoked them almost exclusively.

More recently my tastes have changed and I'm really enjoying Va and Va/Per like FVF,LGF, Embarcadero and Fillmore. I'm not smoking Englishs right now.

I have a couple pipes dedicated to Va, however, I have six or seven pipes that I Love(Castellos, Dunnies,etc.) that I'd like to work back into the rotation. What do I do?

My thought is that I do the salt/alcohol trick and a little light sanding and the "ghosts" will be gone. I'd love to hear what some of the Brothers have done in this situation.

Thanks-Mike :cheers:
I ream out the bowl..then sand it lightly , scrub the shank with a shank brush and alchohol or pipe sweetenner. This usually takes care of the ghost for the most part. I think whatever remains in the briar will get ghosted over by the new type of tobacco your smoking in the pipe after a few bowls.
Ive also been reading up on pipe retort kits but havent bought one yet...this looks like something you may also want to look into. check it out on youtube.
Thanks, I thought that might be the way to go. Peace-Mike :cheers:
Same here, though I will admit that a pipe that I dedicated to flakes (for no particular reason) long ago is forever assoicated--psychologically--with flakes even when I tried changing it a pipe for mixtures.
Carlos":1m7q4l2z said:
Just smoke it.
I would never bother messing with the caking and seasoning of a pipe if I was only going from Englishes to Virginias. Those cakes are family. No reason to estrange them. You're making work where work isn't due.
Zeno Marx":ch4c611v said:
Carlos":ch4c611v said:
Just smoke it.
I would never bother messing with the caking and seasoning of a pipe if I was only going from Englishes to Virginias. Those cakes are family. No reason to estrange them. You're making work where work isn't due.
They are like family, and if it only took at little reaming and sanding to get rid of my alcoholic Uncle Frank I'd do it in a flash!!!

Believe me, I'm not looking to do work where it's not needed. However, the reason I enjoy Vas and VaPers is in part do to the fact they have no Latakia in them. If I'm getting a hint of Lat then that's what I can do without.

I followed some of the Bros suggestions and did a little reaming and light sanding and have found things to be working out excellent. Peace-Mike :tongue:
I can see starting from scratch if going from something fruity, like a peach cobbler or an apple kuchen to Escudo or McClelland 2015, but maybe my taste isn't acute enough to pick up Latakia cake as I'm smoking a heavy Va-Perique or dark-stoved VA. In 20+ years of smoking, that has never happened, but if it happens to you, I'm truly envious of your sharp palate. Could it be a psychological game you're playing here? Genuinely curious and not rhetorical.
Zeno Marx":uv4jgm3a said:
I can see starting from scratch if going from something fruity, like a peach cobbler or an apple kuchen to Escudo or McClelland 2015, but maybe my taste isn't acute enough to pick up Latakia cake as I'm smoking a heavy Va-Perique or dark-stoved VA. In 20+ years of smoking, that has never happened, but if it happens to you, I'm truly envious of your sharp palate. Could it be a psychological game you're playing here? Genuinely curious and not rhetorical.
With all do respect to your 20+ years of pipesmoking. I don't think it is a "psychological game" nor is it my "sharp palate" to say that I taste Latakia when I'm smoking a Va in a pipe that I've smoked Westminster for three years in.

So lets just agree to disagree and be done with it. Peace-Mike
Honestly, no funny stuff intended. I even thought this might be an excellent poll question, or a greater thread discussion: how many of us, and who of us, had the palate to taste residual latakia as they smoke other types. I know I cannot, and now you have me curious.

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