Taking care of one's briar...

Brothers of Briar

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I use the tiniest amount of vaseline on the stems. It is very good at removing the crud that is left on the stems, mostly from tea and such that drips from my moustache. I rub it in with my thumb and polish off with a bandana that I bought for snuff taking. What is left on my thumb I shine onto the briar. I bought a generic 200g vaseline 2 decades ago and I still have about half left.

I run a pipe cleaner thru stem and briar at the end of the day. Generic Q Tip cleans the shank. Screwed up napkin twisted on the inside of the bowl keeps the cake down and level.

Once a week I dip the pipe cleaner and Q Tips in vodka before use but otherwise that is the only change from my daily routine.

Magic erasers work well removing oxidation from stems.