It's a beautifully cool evening tonight and I can almost smell the fall. I cracked my tin of SG chocolate flake (it was part of my fall purchase) which I've been out of since last year and man is this good stuff.
I purchased G&H BCF along with the SG blend and it seems folks like BCF somewhat better. I don't get it though. The two are somewhat similar in that both are smooth, earthy, creamy smokes of VA and burley with hints of latakia and cocoa that compliment each other well...but BCF has a cloying Lakeland essence attached which is blissfully absent with the SG version. Admittedly, as others have noted, the SG baccy is a bit tougher to get lit, but it's worth the effort, and once ya get it going the flavors just get better as the bowl progresses. The room note is fantastic as well.