Who ME???
This is more than humbling...it's...it's...a surprise. In a couple of ways. First, that I was picked for being a 'cheerleader'. I'm not really a cheerleader, as I've said before, it's more like, "Help me...I've fallen, and I can't shut up!". In another way...for some reason I seem to have stopped getting the auto-updates for this thread, I've been gone to Florida on a week long trip with my wife and I come back and the next day get this...amazing...bomber box in the mail! Huh? Who's this from? Ken? Ken Collins?!?!? Sweeeeeet!
For those of you who might be wondering...inside was a classic and what must be an antique Peterson System pipe (never had one, always wanted on) and SIX tins (ranging from 50 gm to 100 gms.) of not only great blends...but SUPER AGED great blends. I already puiffed up a bowl full of McClelland's No. 8 (circa 2004 no less)...seemed a fitting match for the local break-in of the Pete. Never had it, always heard it was fine. Man, was it mellow!
I've been known to obtain, and then eventually part with, a number of good pipes. But this Pete will never leave me. Further, each time I light up a bowl in it, and especially with the included broad range of blends, I'll not only think of Ken and give him a quiet thank you for all he did...but I'll also think of all the guys that participated in this event.
I'm really quite touched.