The black tongue survey

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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Please go into your bathroom, look in the mirror, stick out your tongue and tell us if its discolored (or for the faint of heart BLACK).
If it is discolored, do you drink coffee, red wine, have sinus problems or smoke a pipe.
I fall into the "All of the above" category .
I have not been smoking for about 6 to 8 weeks because of bronchitis and noticed that the color of my tongue has returned to a more acceptable color.
How is your tongue?
I think mine is a normal pinkish-red color. I drink at least 32oz of coffee a day, mostly in the morning. I smoke a pipe. I am suffering from a terrible sinus, throat, chest cold right now. Still looks the same as always.
Your not supposed to use your tongue to clean out your bowls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol!:
I don't drink wine but I do take a shot or two of whiskey every other day or so. I smoke a pipe and dip snuff on a daily basis. My tongue appears to be normal.
Justpipes":bn8umxqg said:
but I do take a shot or two of whiskey every hour of every day

That explains it! :p :tongue:

Mine only turns black when eatin licorice or dirt.
Puff Daddy":hmvnfqz6 said:
Justpipes":hmvnfqz6 said:
but I do take a shot or two of whiskey every hour of every day

That explains it! :p :tongue:

Mine only turns black when eatin licorice or dirt.'s the Walnut.........smooth and clean on the palette!

pink here.

Mark, what kind of whiskey to you enjoy?
Davey":q3f6n7hb said:

pink here.

Mark, what kind of whiskey to you enjoy?
Lately I have been drinking Old Charter because the ABC here is running a special on it. Not a bad cheap whiskey at all. $18 a half gallon.

I prefer a good rye but it is hard to get here in NC. I also like Wild Turkey but only for a treat.
Justpipes":lfly7jn1 said:
Davey":lfly7jn1 said:

pink here.

Mark, what kind of whiskey to you enjoy?
Lately I have been drinking Old Charter because the ABC here is running a special on it. Not a bad cheap whiskey at all. $18 a half gallon.

I prefer a good rye but it is hard to get here in NC. I also like Wild Turkey but only for a treat.
I don't know how you fellas drink this stuff. I sniff it and the gag reflex kicks in. There's been a couple of different high-end Scotches I've been able to SIP at from time to time, but even that leaves my tongue feeling all furry. Guess I'm just a beer kinda guy.
Actually fellas,
I was asking Mark out of strong curiosity. I used to try many a single malt and Wiskey, but I could not develop the pallett for it.

We used ot sit by a fire ( about 4 or five of us) smoke a cigar, and sip on the "Devil's Nectar" whilst playing a good game of chess almost every other night. It was a great time in my life...

Whenever I hear about Wiskey/Scotch I gotta ask.

....Wild Turkey was not the worst either :)

Davey the Sentimentalist
Davey":ntaxblp4 said:
Actually fellas,
I was asking Mark out of strong curiosity. I used to try many a single malt and Wiskey, but I could not develop the pallett for it.

We used ot sit by a fire ( about 4 or five of us) smoke a cigar, and sip on the "Devil's Nectar" whilst playing a good game of chess almost every other night. It was a great time in my life...

Whenever I hear about Wiskey/Scotch I gotta ask.

....Wild Turkey was not the worst either :)

Davey the Sentimentalist
I don't know about playing chess but I usually, as tonight pick a few tunes on the guitar while I forget about the stress of this past week. Friday nights consist of a few shots of whiskey a little "Rolling in my Sweet Baby's Arms", "Sitt'n on Top of the World", "Rocky Top", "Mama Don't La", Wabash Cannonball, "Fire on the Mountain", etc.

A very good way to end the work week.

Fix'n to get ready to head to the coast and tie into some chopper blues!!!! Gonna try to catch a big Pompano or two as well!
Sometimes when I'm smokin' a lot, more tongue turns kinda of pale and has a greenish cast to it. It seems greener especially farther back in my mouth, towards my throat.
Father Sergius":ik1z4syg said:
Sometimes when I'm smokin' a lot, more tongue turns kinda of pale and has a greenish cast to it. It seems greener especially farther back in my mouth, towards my throat.

You better get that checked out!
Bub":fhmuib4l said:
Please go into your bathroom, look in the mirror, stick out your tongue and tell us if its discolored (or for the faint of heart BLACK).
If it is discolored, do you drink coffee, red wine, have sinus problems or smoke a pipe.
I fall into the "All of the above" category .
I have not been smoking for about 6 to 8 weeks because of bronchitis and noticed that the color of my tongue has returned to a more acceptable color.
How is your tongue?
Have you been taking Pepto Bismal, or any similar medications containing bismuth? Black tongue can be caused by bismuth trisulfide which forms when bismuth subsalycilate combines with sulphur in the saliva.

There are other causes, including some nasty fungal things. If it lasts more than a few days, see your doc...


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