The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Brothers of Briar

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I had one but gave mine to a co-worker who'd never read them. :shock:

I've got my eye on a leather bound complete collection at Sam' club. :)
I like books that are quality in themselves and also look like a real book on a bookshelf. That one does both! Good find!
bought a paperback copy of the complete sherlock for my wife for Christmas, she is on a classics kick. So far her favorite is Tolstoy, followed by Steinbeck. Fydor and victor hugo are a bit behind those two.

Very nice! I have a one-volume Complete Sherlock Holmes that I bought in 1970 or so. Not nearly as attractive as yours, and a bit tattered and torn after 40+ years! Enjoy!
I just revisited this thread and thought to pull my volume from the shelf. It's the Doubleday & Company edition and according to the credit notes was published by arrangement with the estate of Sir Arthur. For the life of me I can't find a printing date, but I'm quite sure I bought it new in 1970. It is price marked $7.95. It's prefaced by Christopher Morley, one of the all-time great Sherlockians, which is very cool. As I took it down the book jacket, which I note has been oft previously scotchtaped, came completely in two. More repair work to do, which I shall do gladly and fondly; remembering the many pleasurable hours the book has given to me, it's the least I can do.

By the way, Morely was a cob smoker, which should please many here.
Just joined in here and saw the Holmes pages, great reads, have the complete myself. It is so amazing that many of the modern day writers try to out fox the masters, never happen! Read on Brothers, Read on! :cheers:
the rev":letamqlk said:
bought a paperback copy of the complete sherlock for my wife for Christmas, she is on a classics kick. So far her favorite is Tolstoy, followed by Steinbeck. Fydor and victor hugo are a bit behind those two.

Sounds like your wife is enjoying some pinnacles of literature there Rev. If she hasn't already, Dostoevsky's The Idiot is truly amazing. I also heartily recommend Thomas Hardy if she is so inclined.
i have that same edition--over the years i have had many, usually in two volumes--i suppose the first double volume set i got was back about 1968 or '69--

today i keep a double volume paper back edition in by travel bag at all times--never get tired of those stories--

by the way, heresy of heresies, Watson is and has always been my favorite character--
I have the complete Sherlock Holmes on my Kindle..  I know, but I've sold at garage sales or donated so many books over the last year trying to get rid of 'stuff' moving from a 2400 square foot house to a 2 bedroom condo 'stuff' has to go.
Bullwinkle":wh1ioig1 said:
I have the complete Sherlock Holmes on my Kindle..  I know, but I've sold at garage sales or donated so many books over the last year trying to get rid of 'stuff' moving from a 2400 square foot house to a 2 bedroom condo 'stuff' has to go.
did that too last year--not fun
the reason we got the 2 bedroom was to use one as storage. 'stuff' piles up after being married 45 years. I explained to the wife we were just saving the kids a lot of work.
Bullwinkle":7k16v643 said:
the reason we got the 2 bedroom was to use one as storage.  'stuff' piles up after being married 45 years.  I explained to the wife we were just saving the kids a lot of work.
we actually divested ourselves of most of the junk--altho i still have storage on property i own nearby--we are in a retirement apartment complex--not wonderful, but really has a few decent percs; like life care health coverage--
i put a lot of books in the storage space--

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