The cutty shape

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2008
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Why do i love this shape so much? And why dont more pipemakers have this shape in their repoirtoire? i love them with little feet and LOOOONG shanks preferably with a colored stem. I would think that with the preponderance of classic shapes like the buldog, billiard, dublin, etc. that this classic shape be would be as well loved and represented. let this be a call to modern pipemakers to MAKE MORE CUTTYS! The only pipemakers i know of who make this much loved shape are Tom Eltang, Mark tinsky, and Michael Lindner. Anyone love this shape as much as i do? Even more importantly does anyone know of other makers who make this shape? :)
Ardor made a cutty for a pipe of the year for Pipes and Tobacco. They may still have some left.
Like you, I love the cutty. It is one of my favorite shapes and has been so for a long time.

Dunhill's cutty is quite a nice shape; a friend has a very old one and it's really a lovely pipe.

Jody Davis makes a gorgeous cutty. I have one in my collection.
Although I love the shape, I don't like to smoke a pipe with the bowl pointing away from me.
Here is a picture of my Jody Davis cutty per request:

The Cutty sure is a great looker. I don't think it would be that difficult to lite and smoke. I have a Christmas pipe from 04 from Tinsky. While it does smoke good I have an awful time liting it. I have no depth perception is part of the reason but I still can't see it properly. The top is charred. I would be willing to trade it for another pipe or some tobacco LOL. Its the rough finish and looks good. Sice I don't have top teeth there aren't bite marks but might have a scratch or two.. Its a nice one but what the Hay. Its just not for me. Sorry I got off subject there. :bounce:
It is a very nice shape.

I have a Cavvichi that is a variation of the Cutty with a Dublin shaped bowl. The bowl is canted slightly forward like a Cutty.
I am surprised Peterson doesn't make one (as far as I am aware)

further, I don't consider a pipe a cutty unless it has the nubbin on the bottom of the bowl. Without the nubbin I consider it a belge. I have a couple of belges but no cuttys, would like to rectify that situation.
I agree. without the nubbin it looks like a belge. for some reasom or another if it doesnt have the nubbin the shape loses much of the appeal for me. it should have a nubbin and an egg shaped bowl slightly canted, preferably with a long pencil thin shank. i just won a great example off of e-bay, meerschaum at that.
I have a Tilshead cutty, and I've seen Upshall cuttys as well. A lovely pipe, it was a gift from my "brother that I never had". He knows a good pipe when he sees one.

So there's one more maker that keeps the shape in his catalog.
I have an Ashton Cutty chruchwarden. It's a great little pipe and almost exactly like a tavern clay. I wish the bowl were bigger :cry:
Although I , too, love this shape, I just can't bring myself to get a high-end pipe because it's just inevitable that one day I'll char the chamber to bits because I can't see where I'm lighting it.

The Polish carver Wojtek Pastuch has had a beautiful cutty for sale on smoking for many months just callingmy name but there's just no way I can shell out 4 bills plus because I KNOW it would just be a matter of time before I ruined it! So I stick to my Ropp cutty and Belge pipes and practice and smoke them and what the hell if they eventually go by the wayside.

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