The "New" Crown Achievement

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2013
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I just tried my first bowl of the 'new' CA in a 'new' Comoy's Blue Riband Bent Billiard (I'm sure neither of which is as good as the old - lol).

I never had the "original" CA, but I have to ay I thought this a standout English Blend - with a smoother, creamier taste than others....really enjoyed the whole bowl........will take a few more to decide where this will rank in my "English Hierarchy" -lol....

I was curious though - those of you who've tried both the old and the new - how does this one rate? Is there a trend of inferior remakes of old classics? Back in the 80's when I started smoking a pipe I worked a block away from Barclay-Rex on Maiden lane in downtown Manhattan - and I smoked their blends almost exclusively, so I never had the original.....I'd hang out at BR (was just out of college) at lunchtime and got a course in tobacco blends and types, trying a sample every couple of days - was a great place....

Anyway, just wondered what others might have to say about CA....
I haven't tried the "new" blend, (but am getting some soon) but did smoke the "original" back in the mid 70's and early 80's ( tinned version) and all what you have said about the "new" blend is what made the previously made blend so good ! Sounds like they DID get this one right !! Good to hear  :D :D 
Let me know when you try it...I think pipe smokers in general have a tendency to "romanticize" blends of the past and not give the 're-issues' their due - though I appreciate the sentiment in comparing to 'originals', it's not like we can get them easily anymore....
I have five tins of the new CA; have not smoked any yet. But........After fifty years of pipe puffin', my taste buds can no more remember what some blend I smoked in 1964 tasted like than a man in the moon!!!! For me, "baccy falls into two categories, like and dislike!!! I do know that I liked the old CA and I'm pretty darn sure I'm gonna' like the new CA. But as to how will they compare; hell, I don't know!!! Some of y'all tell me!!!!!!!! I will tell you if I like the new CA after I try it!!!:lol: FTRPLT
Canicus61":xu939e5a said:
Let me know when you try it...I think pipe smokers in general have a tendency to "romanticize" blends of the past and not give the 're-issues' their due - though I appreciate the sentiment in comparing to 'originals', it's not like we can get them easily anymore....
This sums up how I feel about the question in the OP. Without a time traveling DeLorean, we will never be able to compare two tins side by side. With the benefit of the doubt going to the blender, not the accountants at the tobacco company, I assume the product is a premium one in its own right. The choice to use a well loved name from the past provides a guideline for flavor profile, but is a marketing ploy at best. Chasing the dream of what once was is unfulfilling every time, though not as dangerous as googling your ex-girlfriend with your wife in the room.

ftrplt":xu939e5a said:
For me, "baccy falls into two categories, like and dislike!
THIS is the right attitude to have. Fortunately, amongst the premium selection of tobacco at my fingertips, There are very few that fall into the latter category. I feel that after fifteen minutes of browsing this forum, or any other basic source of information about out hobby, we have learned the lesson about goopy OTC aromatics. Some had to learn the hard way and have the scars on their tongues to hold as a badge of "Peach Melba" infused honor. I was one of the lucky ones, and for this, brothers, I thank you. For those of us who buy Borkum Riff on purpose, we salute you. The highest honors go to those who volunteer for certain death.
jefe1037":vfmd5njx said:
For those of us who buy Borkum Riff on purpose, we salute you. The highest honors go to those who volunteer for certain death.
 :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: 

I too thank this forum for guiding me away from goopy *Shudder* stuff. Not to say I don't like aros, just not the scary goopy stuff.
I know someone with about 2/3s of a LB of original, and I just grabbed a few of the new.  We might get a chance to smoke in a couple weeks.

The thing about Crown Achievement, for me, is that it was unique in its luxurious richness and exceptional smoothness (some call it soapiness).  Beck's Ol Limey Bastard is very close to Crown Achievement, and through a couple conversations with fellow, older smokers, they strongly agreed.  I smoked 759 more, by choice, but Crown Achievement had its own little nook in my cupboard.  My point is that I remember it fairly well.  While I might not be able to mark the two by precise flavor points, I'm confident the key luxury elements will be there or not, and those are what will indicate how well they nailed the re-issue.  Those elements were what made Crown Achievement what it was.

*wow, that paragraph is an English editor's nightmare.  Apologies.
ftrplt":c0kfcysc said:
I have five tins of the new CA; have not smoked any yet. But........After fifty years of pipe puffin', my taste buds can no more remember what some blend I smoked in 1964 tasted like than a man in the moon!!!! For me, "baccy falls into two categories, like and dislike!!! I do know that I liked the old CA and I'm pretty darn sure I'm gonna' like the new CA. But as to how will they compare; hell, I don't know!!! Some of y'all tell me!!!!!!!! I will tell you if I like the new CA after I try it!!!:lol: FTRPLT
THIS for sure! The only thing one could say about a "new" vs "old" version of a classic blend would be that it has maintained the overall feel and charachteristics  of the blend/mixture. But anyone saying it is/isn't "just like what I smoked 40 years ago"  is out in left field IMHO  :twisted: :twisted:

And Zeno you are correct in saying that "The thing about Crown Achievement, for me, is that it was unique in its luxurious richness and exceptional smoothness ..." as that was what appealed to me also. BTW, back when I smoked CA, 759 was my "daily smoke"  as well. I do miss THAT one   :twisted: :twisted:
I have a few ounces of the original (from the 1980's) that I've saved, it was a gift for some pipe work for a guy on another forum. I've been trying to pick up some of the new blend, but it hasn't yet made it to the shops. I chastised Russ O for not bringing any to the NYC show on Saturday, I was counting on that!
He did mention it will also be coming out in bulk shortly.

What is your opinion on the new Comoys Blue Riband? This topic came up on the SmokersForums recently. I've handled but not smoked one of the new pipes.
Addressing this comment: "The choice to use a well loved name from the past provides a guideline for flavor profile, but is a marketing ploy at best." - one of the pipers at a little group that meets in Bethlehem, PA used to buy CA when he worked in NYC. It cost $17/lb, much more than Dunhill at the time. He has a pound or so that is quite similar to the 5 lb I have, which is about 12-15 YO. When LeonardW at Lane was fulfilling his pledge to restore some discontinued blends, he asked us for some of our stash to use as a guide to check the recipes (there are 2), and when John and I cross compared the first run against our controls, even accounting for age the reissue is remarkably close. For all intents and purposes I consider them the same.

LeonardW at Lane is one case of where he went through considerable effort to put CA back together, as he also consulted with old time employees who actually made the original. In this case, Leonard may have marketing chops, but he did not stoop to a mere marketing ploy.

I am like that proverbial old codger waiting at his mailbox for his first tins of CA to arrive today or tomorrow.

The watched pot adage seems to apply, too.
Curious to hear whether others opened their tins to almost dry tobacco? This is a tin from when they just re-introduced the blend. Anyone else? I had tins make it decades in better condition than this. I have to say I'm disappointed. I opened the tin, thinking I'd have to let it sit out for a few hours before packing my first bowl, but instead, I had to rehydrate it a little with a Peterson clay disc.
Zeno Marx":fltqdiin said:
Curious to hear whether others opened their tins to almost dry tobacco?  This is a tin from when they just re-introduced the blend.  Anyone else?  I had tins make it decades in better condition than this.  I have to say I'm disappointed.  I opened the tin, thinking I'd have to let it sit out for a few hours before packing my first bowl, but instead, I had to rehydrate it a little with a Peterson clay disc.
I have now gone through two tins of the "new" stuff and none have been anything but spot - on moisture wise straight from the tin, ready to smoke. To my palate, this is one of the few re-introduced blends which is IDENTICAL to what was produced previously !! JMHO :twisted: :twisted:
I tried a tin since the re-introduction and found my tin to be of the normal moisture (but that was a while back). Cigars International has it priced at around $8/tin.  It was a little soft for me but seemed pretty true to the original example that I had stored.  (perhaps a tiny bit more Lat punch in the new blend, which makes sense)

This seemed somewhat like the other new re-introduction of White Knight, a touch too soft for my taste. I prefer the Black House over the three. But I wish the Black House had the ribbon cut texture of the other two (it's a bit coarse), then it would be perfect.
Thanx for bringing this thread back to life!! Very encouraging comments and observations. I stuck my five tins from March, 2014 on the back shelf!! Totally forgot about them :oops: Gotta' pop a tin in the near future and check it out! So much 'baccy, so little time :D :cheers: FTRPLT
OK, got it nicely re-hydrated. Packed a bowl in a tried-and-true, old Caminetto Italian billiard. Again, I was disappointed. It's a nice English tobacco, but it doesn't pack anywhere near the punch of old Crown Achievement. It certainly isn't as luxurious as the original, either. The original was medium to full-bodied. My tin was on the mild side. If you want a closer representation of original CA, then I have to continue to recommend Beck's 'Ol Limey Bastard. Now if we can only get Beck's to be better distributed and available at other online vendors.

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