The New Tinsky Christmas Pipe Is Here...

Brothers of Briar

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And here I was trying to decide if I should get in the Coral BoB version..........

...........and now here's a few more worthy contenders....................



I have one Mark Tinsky and he makes a nice pipe at a decent price. I love this shape, but I don't like to see the nomenclature stamp on the side of the pipe.

kaiser83":s5np8hka said:
As for turn around, I ordered my POY last Friday and it is done today. Mark emailed me and told me the one he was working on would be a good smooth pipe instead of the B&T I ordered so I told him to have at it and make what he felt was best, he apparently made a nice brown smooth finish. So 3 business days and it is done.
Nice! So you'll probably get it by Friday! That's not to shabby.
And Hermit's picture pretty much sealed the deal for me
alfredo_buscatti":9a09njzv said:
Dutch, that cutty is killer!!!! What does that do-hickey do on the bottom of cuttys? Makes it possible to sit when you also prop the stem, as in the picture?
Alfredo, most modern briar shaped cutty's are inspired by the old English clay pipes. Since clay pipes heat rapidly when smoked, the spur was added in order to insulate the pipers finger when handling his pipe. Ditto on the churchwarden clays, which might need when rested on the arm of a chair or tabletop, while a smoker took a drink of his mead, ale, or stout.

Some modern day pipe carvers are so adept at balancing their pipes, they can actually make a sitter of a cutty, having it balance only on it's spur. Here is an example of such a pipe, my Rolando Negotia walnut shaped cutty, balancing on it's spur.....





I think I need the Dress Coral Christmas pipe to go with this one

That new Tinsky Christmas pipe is awesome. I like it alot better than the BoB pipe, no offense to anyone. I'm interested to see his new state-of-the-art double-extra-super-top-secret drilling method that he's using on these pipes. How long does he allow for orders of his Xmas pipes? Seems like he keeps them up for order all year long. I love Mark's pipes. I own one and it's my favorite pipe. Heck, the kit I bought from him is incredible - I'll finish it some day...

Yep, I'm a total Tinsky fanboy.