Pull up a chair & light a pipe, guys. The Yakster's about to hold forth with some wisdom here.
Comfy ? OK then. Here we go.
I did my best to put a bug in Marty Pulvers' ear a few days ago, suggesting that if he were casting around for some topic to expound on at his home page and coming up short for an interesting one, a LOT of people would welcome a series by him on what, exactly, goes into the way pipes (new and estate both) are valued. Not by the lunatic fringe at Flea Bay, but by the people like him who have been immersed in the pipe market for 30 years and know -- from long experience -- what they're talking about.
He seemed pretty receptive to the idea, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
In the mean time, I'm going to entertain you with a blazing insight into the matter of why guys like certain pipes enough to spend "real money" to acquire them that clarifies everything wonderfully. Not what the dynamic appears to be when considered in marketing terms, where every term is an abstraction standing in for a reality, but what their root motivation is.
I keep pointing out that
:face: ":q6isjsku said:
and you guys either laugh or roll your eyes because you think I'm being an ****** again.
But I assure you, solemnly, that I speak truth here, and nothing but.
Hungry male baboons presented with a choice between
either pulling lever "A" for dinner
or lever "B" to watch a video of female baboon butts choose to go hungry. Consistently.
Sex sells. If you don't think that's what's driving "buying decisions" in a wide range of applications, buy a clue from Vanna. She knows. Millions of women watched that show. Same basic deal as Chick Flicks ; no women in the movie, no female audience appeal. That's why they put those bubblebrained "reporters" asking assinine questions of the coaches on the sidelines along with the cheerleaders that everybody figures are there for the guys. They draw female viewers.
It all reduces to mass contained and expressed by curved surfaces.. The rest is details.
There has been a long series of multi-millionaire collectors of classic-era Italian violins who can't play a note on one to save their lives. What do you think the root appeal involved is ?
Rather than download a bunch of pictures, check these and you tell me.
Antonio Stradivari :
Giuseppi Guarneri del Gesu :
Matthias Gofriiller :
Now switch obsessions for a minute and go to classic-era American Longrifles -- another obsessive high-roller collector fascination. Why do you think they designed and made them to be so awe-inspiringly beautiful that people who can afford to drop six-figure sums for them and count themselves lucky to get them ?
Here's a J.P. Beck from Lebanon County (later 18th Century). Bear in mind that the women there are of Saxon descent -- stocky in build, but
extremely shapely as far as curves go :
That's mass contained and beautifully defined by the curves that express it.
Here, by contrast, is a William Defibaugh (ca. 1850) from Bedford County, where there was no lack of slender, wiry girls of Scotch-Irish descent :
It worked then, and it still works today. And that's the what, how and why of it.
Shapely butts have a profound effect on hominids. They're wired that way. And artisans with a clue utilise that to advantage.
Using old-brain sexual response programming to sell fine arts is the most direct route to bypass operant conditioning ("the pipe's worth $150 ; the white spot adds $450 of value to it) and get to potential customers "where they live."
OK. Here's the $64,000 question : Why is it that it's so freaking hard to find nice, classic shapes (billiards, apples, princes, &c.) and why do they disappear in a heartbeat when they surface (?) while, at the same time there are pages and pages of the same old same old "contemporary" shapes being made almost by post-hypnotic suggestion sitting there on offer for months on end, gathering dust (which the photographs of them, not being in real time, fortunately don't show) ?
However remote the connexion, and mitigated by after-the-fact considerations, the root of the appeal is -- for the first time here on BoB -- articulated bluntly.
You're welcome. 8)