The Professor. Found years ago in a web crawl and used heavily, then forgotten, now rediscovered. His reviews are particularly valuable...once you get a feel for where he's coming from...since he's extremely experienced, not hasty in his comments and has a strong base of accurate information from which to base his views.
This particularly came home to me when checking on other's views of Esoterica Ramsgate and Blackpool (Germain's licorice brothers that really aren't). I was curious to know if others considered these so similar that getting one of each was foolish. Ended up getting both, BTW.
Anyway, I came upon his comments and was struck by the lucidity, the obvious experience and the reasonableness of his comments. SUCH a refreshing change of pace from the many newbie morons beating their shoes on the table over at the other review site. Of course there ARE nuggets among the Pyrite over there.
First off...for my money, if I want licorice tobacco I'll get Heinrich's Strong Dark Kentucky, thanks very much. But both Blackpool (the lesser) and Ramsgate (the greater) are just such a pleasant experience they deserve our love.
That being said, scamper on over to his little site and scroll down to the reviews of Blackpool and Ramsgate...two of the most friendly, eager to please, Lakelandesque blends that Esoterica/Germaine ever put to field. answer to the title depends! Air or road miles? By air it's about 250 miles. But in terms of tobacco blends, it's just far enough to warrant both. Just go with it. It actually does make sense on a certain level. 8)
This particularly came home to me when checking on other's views of Esoterica Ramsgate and Blackpool (Germain's licorice brothers that really aren't). I was curious to know if others considered these so similar that getting one of each was foolish. Ended up getting both, BTW.
Anyway, I came upon his comments and was struck by the lucidity, the obvious experience and the reasonableness of his comments. SUCH a refreshing change of pace from the many newbie morons beating their shoes on the table over at the other review site. Of course there ARE nuggets among the Pyrite over there.
First off...for my money, if I want licorice tobacco I'll get Heinrich's Strong Dark Kentucky, thanks very much. But both Blackpool (the lesser) and Ramsgate (the greater) are just such a pleasant experience they deserve our love.
That being said, scamper on over to his little site and scroll down to the reviews of Blackpool and Ramsgate...two of the most friendly, eager to please, Lakelandesque blends that Esoterica/Germaine ever put to field. answer to the title depends! Air or road miles? By air it's about 250 miles. But in terms of tobacco blends, it's just far enough to warrant both. Just go with it. It actually does make sense on a certain level. 8)