hobie1dog":wxys7r1y said:
Skip: Where did you come into all this money? Win the local lottery?
You are a lucky man.
I have been lucky. I set up this home and lots of other things when I was trading stocks, but after my bypass surgery I still knew what and how to do it, but I wouldn't do what I had to so lost money for a couple years and just quit. Needed something to do so I started tying jigs and flies for something to do.
fast Forward a bit, money saving and winning from the markets was getting low and looked not so hot. I didn't know that my uncle that had passed away a good wile ago had a family trust that his wife lived on until her death about 3 years ago. That is when myself and cousins found out about the trust from lawyers he had set up to do all the paper work. My uncle was a Geologist for many years and works for I am not sure who back when, but at some point he started working for him self and still working for oil companies, but along with his pay he took small % royalties and some with a choice to participate in the drilling too. It was all divided to her side of the family and our side and then split how it was on my side too. So I already had a very few mineral interest before this, but from him I have mineral interest in 321 more properties all over the country. So I have checks from that coming in that makes this possible. Can't go crazy or anything, but I don't have to profit from my jigs which is nice since I wanted to just build up a bunch of materials paid for with jig sales.
My wife works and now mostly to be able to get her retirement and SS when it's time, but I also get SSI being disabled. We are trying to save more and more, but I don't have but a few vices and fun stuff, pipes, fishing and tying jigs and flies is about it for me. I spend more than I should most likely, but hey I have been disabled since 1989 and had 5 bypass surgery in 2000 and still have not a normal heart beat so I may as well do some things I just want to, LOL! I hope to be able to fish a few places next year that I have wanted to, but put off until now.
I visit my son in Tampa every Christmas since he was blow up in Iraq in Dec. 2006. Lost his lower leg and blew his buttocks off and they are hopefully all that is left to fix. He had his leg taken off 3 years ago and about 2 months back they did it for the 4th time and we hope they got it right this time. He is a Green Beret and got that Beret at 37 years old. Quite a feet. It was his 2nd time to Iraq and the first was with the 3 ID when they first went in and took control of the air port at Baghdad and then downtown Baghdad. When he got back he signed up for Special Forces and 2 years later and that much more training he got that Green Beret.
Anyway that is the short story and yes I am a very lucky man. I probably have said way too much to read, but it's as short as I think I can do, LOL!