Cartaphilus":oz11pk4n said:
And as for your last tale I have to ask, did you have to change your britches after that? I know my heart skipped a beat. :mrgreen:
Maybe just a little, but I’m getting to the age where I should expect that from time to time.
We all had a good laugh about it after the cop left. We weren’t on Indian land, but law enforcement’s stretched pretty thin in these parts. Jurisdiction doesn’t count for much. Hell, even the DNR can pull you over for traffic violations. I guess no one’s made an official complaint about smoking in this particular bar, so the cop didn’t see a reason to do anything about it.
To everyone who has welcomed me back and offered words of encouragement, a heart felt Thank You.
New guys, I look forward to getting to know you all.
Hawker, I imagine you’d be at home here. The UP is geographically separate from the rest of the state, and owes more of its laid back character to bordering Canada than it does to Michigan.
Dshpipes, it’s David, right? Like the new handle. Very professional, but you’ll always be the Uberman to me.
Coastie, pleased to meet you, sir. Somewhere around here there’s a portrait thread for BoB pets. Some pics of the late Talullah in there. I hope you’ll post some of your own.
Jefe, how’s the Lake down by you? They say Superior’s nearly 80% frozen over. It’s downright erie. (pun intended) I might take you up on that offer; I think I could actually kill someone right now for a Gino’s East pizza.
A.J., what can I say, sir? I hope to someday be man enough to take a compliment from you without blushing. Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s good to see you posting regularly. I’ve always known you to be a man who speaks his mind, and with a mind worth hearing.
Everyone, thank you and bless you.
I assure you all, despite my setbacks I am doing well. I wish you all had the chance to live on your own terms like this. MisterE recently said something to me about an unrelated topic that rang true with my own life. He said it’s like boiling a frog; turn up the heat slowly enough and the frog will be cooked before he knows he’s in trouble. The way everything came at me all at once last spring was like tossing the frog into a boiling pot. I jumped the hell outa there! I’ve always been one to shoulder burdens. I accommodate. I compromise. This time I took a good look at he world and said, “No”.
No, I’m not playing your game. No, I’m not gonna worry about my 401K or padding my resume. No, I’m not gonna miss the things that were stolen from me. No, I’m not taking your pills that make me feel like someone I don’t know, and wouldn’t care to. No, I’m not grading my masculinity by the women in my past. No, I’m not gonna shave my beard for your stupid job interview.
So what’s on my resume now? What are my accomplishments? Let’s see now. Yesterday I picked three children up from school and helped them build an evil-looking snowman staring directly into their parent’s bedroom window. (I’m an excellent houseguest.) :twisted: Later, I had dinner with a green eyed woman who laughed at my stories, but wasn’t afraid to sass me about my downstate accent; a woman who’s good-night kiss lingered just a bit. That’s enough. That’s who I am now. That’s how I earned my evening pipe. Today It’ll be something different, but will be just as real, and it will be on my terms.