Soon after the start of this thread, tried it with rum (Captain Morgan) and a burley blend I didn't like and was getting ready to throw away (Old Domestic). Put the tobacco in a large mason jar and placed a shot glass with a little rum on top. The rum never touched the tobacco, flavor was transmitted only through vapor. Had about 3/4 lb of quite dry tobacco and used 1/2 oz of rum. Every other day, the shot glass was carefully removed and the tobacco stirred.
Well, the difference was like night and day. The blend became very pleasant to smoke and with a completely different flavor. The flavor peaked at a certain level of moisture, about three weeks into the experiment, after which the blend started to bite. I then removed the shot glass and the moisture level quickly went down back to the optimal level. There was about 1/4 oz of rum missing from the shot glass.
Also tried GLP Cumberland with rum, and that was a success, too. I recommend people to give it a try, at least with blends they don't like. More experimentation will be done in the future, with burley and scotch, but I'm hesitant to try ir with VAs or other types of blend.
Would also like to hear from others experiments.