Briarbabe":n4943wdj said:
Cartaphilus":n4943wdj said:
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
Ha! Well over 200 bottles, and that's after the purge I did three weeks ago.

I have a feeling I'll have more TAD than PAD, and that I can live with.
Yep, your a collector all right.Well, I must tell her that someones got more then her or maybe that aint such a good idea after all. Nope, bad idea.
As far as TAD verses Pad lets just hope your taste buds enjoy all that you buy. PAD is easier I believe because if you buy what your eye likes it'll always be a winner. ( I don't smoke all my pipes) As with tobacco I've bought quit a few I couldn't even smoke just because someone else said it's great. I look at it as a loss of money and gained nothing except that I now know what I don't like. So instead of rushing out and buying a bunch of different blends on recommendation I now every once in awhile try a tin of this or that without spending a lot and that's been working well for me. But, I reckon TAD can be much cheaper if done this way considering the cost per tin verses the cost per pipe.
Well, now I'm just rattling on, so good luck with your PAD and TAD and may you never have to endure tongue bite too long.