This is going to get expensive isn't it?

Brothers of Briar

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Dutch":2n1x3pq1 said:
The great thing about pipes and cigars, is that you can enjoy them without it being an addictive process. You could smoke your pipe three times a day, or once every three weeks, and you would not experience withdrawals. IMO, if cigarettes with their addictive additives had never been invented, the tobacco industry would not be under fire by the medical community and the insurance companies.
I quite agree. I am finding there really is something very soothing to the actual process of packing and smoking a pipe and had my first real zen-like bowl yesterday morning while walking barefoot in the grass at my mothers. As I cleaned out my bowl later I thought, "So that's what all the fuss is about." I think it is the experience itself that is the addiction.
Briarbabe":i5et5use said:
Dutch":i5et5use said:
The great thing about pipes and cigars, is that you can enjoy them without it being an addictive process. You could smoke your pipe three times a day, or once every three weeks, and you would not experience withdrawals. IMO, if cigarettes with their addictive additives had never been invented, the tobacco industry would not be under fire by the medical community and the insurance companies.
I quite agree.  I am finding there really is something very soothing to the actual process of packing and smoking a pipe and had my first real zen-like bowl yesterday morning while walking barefoot in the grass at my mothers.  As I cleaned out my bowl later I thought, "So that's what all the fuss is about." I think it is the experience itself that is the addiction.
If you are enjoying the learning process, here is a link to a fantastic blog by our own Neill Archer Roan, (Zulu Collector here on BoB). Keep in mind, Neill enjoys collecting artisan grade and old collectible pipes, but the advice is universal and spot on. This should keep you busy for awhile.....
I started with the pipe 12 years ago. Since then 90% of my disposable income has gone there. Sometimes when I'm wearing a T-shirt that is 10 y/o with 5 holes in it, I regret that; but mostly I don't.

As yet most tobacco is affordable, and good pipes can be had for $50; some guys spend a lot more, but hopefully they aren't hurting themselves.

Good luck! Pipe smoking doesn't have to kill your wallet.
Dutch":xhx766kk said:
Briarbabe":xhx766kk said:
Dutch":xhx766kk said:
The great thing about pipes and cigars, is that you can enjoy them without it being an addictive process. You could smoke your pipe three times a day, or once every three weeks, and you would not experience withdrawals. IMO, if cigarettes with their addictive additives had never been invented, the tobacco industry would not be under fire by the medical community and the insurance companies.
I quite agree.  I am finding there really is something very soothing to the actual process of packing and smoking a pipe and had my first real zen-like bowl yesterday morning while walking barefoot in the grass at my mothers.  As I cleaned out my bowl later I thought, "So that's what all the fuss is about." I think it is the experience itself that is the addiction.
If you are enjoying the learning process, here is a link to a fantastic blog by our own Neill Archer Roan, (Zulu Collector here on BoB). Keep in mind, Neill enjoys collecting artisan grade and old collectible pipes, but the advice is universal and spot on. This should keep you busy for awhile.....

I love Neill's blog, but it could be heavy lifting for someone entirely new to the world of pipes and pipe tobacco...still, you seem to be the sort who likes to jump in headfirst, so you might be well suited for it...but do keep Dutch's word of caution in mind - passionforpipes generally seems to lean towards the higher end of the pipe spectrum. Lots of good reading in there, though.
PAD isn't fatal, so the path you're starting down should be okay. When you're about to buy a new pipe, just ask yourself if you already have one like it. This sensible question occured to me when I was about to buy Pete 408 number six.
I guess it depends on how compulsive you are. Read reviews at before buying, try to buy 1 oz samples to try new types, and unless you get bitten by the collection bug, don't get more pipes than you can smoke through in a month (or so).

Now, if I could only follow my own rules. . . . :clown: 
Briarbabe":hub2w9de said:
Just looking around at all the pipes, the tobaccos, the racks, the smoking dens...

I know my nature, I'm a collector.  The books I can live with, I won't tell you about my yarn stash, I'm too embarrassed to admit to how many bottles of nail polish I own. Why? Why can't I pick up a cheap hobby, just once in my life? Be honest with me fellas, this is gonna cost me isn't it?
Only as much as you can or are willing to pay. It's true, prices for new pipes made today are percentage wise, higher than what we paid 30/40 years ago when I was doing most of my pipe buying. And the old stand-buys in the pipe world are no longer made. ( ie, BBB, GBD, Comoy etc) But if you are careful, do your research well, many good deals are available of these classic brands on the estate market. The whole cost/ratio factor is TOTALY up to you and what and how YOU approach and handle it. An example I'll give is my own tobacco $s /mo. I spend around $35.00/mo for 'bac, clnrs matches total. yes I've smoked for over 40 years now and have only bought 4 "new" pipes in the last 5 years (I have now acquired around 90 in this time) and am not really looking to get more. ( there's always "that" pipe that pops up though :twisted: )
So bottom line is your young and if this is going to be part of your life in the future, YOU will have to decide how it's gonna go $ wise :twisted: 
My children think the Spongebob character "Mr. Krab" was based on me. I am notoriously cheap as far as they are concerned. I have a collection of mostly bargain briars and cobs. I have a couple that were given to me as gifts, and a few I bought new over the years. I would recommend a bargain briar (or two). Get a cob (or two), and splurge for a Walker stem on a cob.

The temptation is to buy lots of tobacco and have multiple tins going at the same time. I would suggest having something like Carter Hall as your regular tobacco and then buy one tin at a time and wait until you have smoked it to start another. Figure out what you like and get something that is a little more or a little less with the next tin.

This will provide you with some good smoking and not put you in the poor house.

Have fun...
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
idbowman":bl86yliv said:
I love Neill's blog, but it could be heavy lifting for someone entirely new to the world of pipes and pipe tobacco...
I'm nutty about pipes, and I love Neill's photography,
but the collector strata he inhabits is even a bit much for me.
Fun to live a little vicariously every now and then, though... 8) 
Cartaphilus":r29psf20 said:
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
Ha! Well over 200 bottles, and that's after the purge I did three weeks ago. ;) I have a feeling I'll have more TAD than PAD, and that I can live with.
While it can be cheap, the acronyms "PAD" and "TAD" exist for a reason! :D If you're a collector, you're probably gonna get hooked. It's so worth it though.

There is a vast world out there for pipe enthusiasts.

There's always ways to keep it cheap though, and this crowd will be happy to help ya find the deals on things.

Have fun!
Briarbabe":189qln97 said:
Cartaphilus":189qln97 said:
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
Ha! Well over 200 bottles, and that's after the purge I did three weeks ago. ;)I have a feeling I'll have more TAD than PAD, and that I can live with.
Yep, your a collector all right.Well, I must tell her that someones got more then her or maybe that aint such a good idea after all. Nope, bad idea.
As far as TAD verses Pad lets just hope your taste buds enjoy all that you buy. PAD is easier I believe because if you buy what your eye likes it'll always be a winner. ( I don't smoke all my pipes) As with tobacco I've bought quit a few I couldn't even smoke just because someone else said it's great. I look at it as a loss of money and gained nothing except that I now know what I don't like. So instead of rushing out and buying a bunch of different blends on recommendation I now every once in awhile try a tin of this or that without spending a lot and that's been working well for me. But, I reckon TAD can be much cheaper if done this way considering the cost per tin verses the cost per pipe.
Well, now I'm just rattling on, so good luck with your PAD and TAD and may you never have to endure tongue bite too long.
Cartaphilus":n4943wdj said:
Briarbabe":n4943wdj said:
Cartaphilus":n4943wdj said:
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
Ha! Well over 200 bottles, and that's after the purge I did three weeks ago. ;)I have a feeling I'll have more TAD than PAD, and that I can live with.
Yep, your a collector all right.Well, I must tell her that someones got more then her or maybe that aint such a good idea after all. Nope, bad idea.
As far as TAD verses Pad lets just hope your taste buds enjoy all that you buy. PAD is easier I believe because if you buy what your eye likes it'll always be a winner. ( I don't smoke all my pipes) As with tobacco I've bought quit a few I couldn't even smoke just because someone else said it's great. I look at it as a loss of money and gained nothing except that I now know what I don't like. So instead of rushing out and buying a bunch of different blends on recommendation I now every once in awhile try a tin of this or that without spending a lot and that's been working well for me. But, I reckon TAD can be much cheaper if done this way considering the cost per tin verses the cost per pipe.
Well, now I'm just rattling on, so good luck with your PAD and TAD and may you never have to endure tongue bite too long.
This is how I'm approaching trying new tobaccos, an ounce at a time here and there. I plan on gifting the ones I'm not all that fond of so they don't go to waste.
Briarbabe":m9up01q1 said:
Cartaphilus":m9up01q1 said:
Briarbabe":m9up01q1 said:
Cartaphilus":m9up01q1 said:
If you don't want it to cost too much it won't. I bet my daughter has more nail polish then you. I think she has close to 200.
I love pipes and I've always loved collecting but, I control it to an extent. I pay all my bills first and on time, then what's left is mine to purchase pipes and tobacco. If I feel the need for something extra I sell something out of one of my collections.
Pipes and tobacco can be a beast if you let it be. Like anything self control and knowing the difference between something you need and something you want is the key.
And just for the record, I have more pipes then my daughter has nail polish. LOL!
Ha! Well over 200 bottles, and that's after the purge I did three weeks ago. ;)I have a feeling I'll have more TAD than PAD, and that I can live with.
Yep, your a collector all right.Well, I must tell her that someones got more then her or maybe that aint such a good idea after all. Nope, bad idea.
As far as TAD verses Pad lets just hope your taste buds enjoy all that you buy. PAD is easier I believe because if you buy what your eye likes it'll always be a winner. ( I don't smoke all my pipes) As with tobacco I've bought quit a few I couldn't even smoke just because someone else said it's great. I look at it as a loss of money and gained nothing except that I now know what I don't like. So instead of rushing out and buying a bunch of different blends on recommendation I now every once in awhile try a tin of this or that without spending a lot and that's been working well for me. But, I reckon TAD can be much cheaper if done this way considering the cost per tin verses the cost per pipe.
Well, now I'm just rattling on, so good luck with your PAD and TAD and may you never have to endure tongue bite too long.
This is how I'm approaching trying new tobaccos, an ounce at a time here and there.  I plan on gifting the ones I'm not all that fond of so they don't go to waste.  

That was my plan as well - once upon a time. I've always had a problem with TAD, but never felt compelled to buy a pipe. The problem for me is that I enjoy many more blends than I my collection of tobaccos which I smoke at least semi-regularly expands, I find myself needing to accommodate my expanding tobacco rotation by adding more pipes. It can be a vicious cycle, I'm afraid...the best laid plans of mice and men, and all that jazz.