Haven't skated since I was a wee 'un. But to choose between them I'd select roller skates. I remember several times at the old roller rinks in the early '60's when this was in vogue.
Must have been all of 10 or so at that time, and the vibe and protocol escaped me as I just wanted to skate - including and especially since some of the tunes were for couples only.
Didn't get that back then, and the rink official (some pimpled-faced 16 yr old) would grab my arm and direct me to the sidelines. Always pissed me off! LOL! And yes, I'm an old fart!
Go ahead and try and discuss the dynamics of roller rinks these days with the present generation! :lol:
And so I digress-
Change your own oil or have Jiffy Lube (or any other chain) do it?