Kyle Weiss":gdbqk8no said:
I think that's why I like this hobby. It begs for thoughtful people. They're an eclectic bunch. It's social but antisocial. It's a weird balance of simplicity and complexity, which seems to go either direction at any given moment, especially when new. Every day can yield a new experience.
I like those sentiments: Keep on smoking, have patience, be flexible.
For several days I have had this forum thread open in a window, waiting for a little time to read it. Yes, it is wordy, but having been hanging around here for a while, and it being an interesting topic, I give Kyle the benefit of the doubt. :suspect:
So, finally, after an involved and busy week I find not just that I have enjoyed the topic (and the many great responses 8) ) but an urge to contribute.
You see, I have only been smoking a pipe since Guy Fox Night 2011. (Nov. 5th for the possibly one person here who does not know). I my find cigs to be a blight on humanity, have a perhaps unreasonable hatred of other drugs, and yet have always been somewhat enamored of the pipe. An uncle shared a cigar with me on occasion and I learned to appreciate them. Still do. But it is the pipe to which I am drawn (just forked out the most $$ yet for a new pipe) and enjoy.
Now, I give you that last paragraph to say that the reason I did not pick up the pipe earlier was my understanding of the difficulty. Always I had heard, in part from my father who's own father (dead long before I was born) was an occasional pipe smoker, that piping is hard. Hard to stay lit, steep learning curve, burns your mouth until you get used to it, etc., etc. Enter Dreadgerbil, the two of us had established a friendship early in the year, and he invited me to his Guy Fox Night party where I complimented his pipe, and relayed that I always wanted to try and the reason why not. Well, he kindly offered me a pipe, I accepted and have never looked back. What made it easy, was his telling me that smoking a pipe is like smoking a cigar. You taste the smoke and you go slow and steady. Just a few simple words, then he offered me a packed pipe and a lighter.
I quoted what Kyle said at the top of this post because it reflects several things that I really enjoy about this hobby and is reflected in this forum. A nice hobby, both simple and complex, for people who think deeply and who (usually) share carefully. There is sometimes as much said with silence as with words. A rare thing in this world. Like Kyle, and being someone who does genuinely suffer OCD, I approach everything with a degree of order and with the compulsive need to know and understand as much as possible. In another thread with Kyle I mentioned the return to doing what worked, I had let my OCD get the better of me (something I am always working against) and had to force myself to take an easier approach with my packing. What I have learned here, and from Dreadgerbil has given me a lot of data point with which to build my information framework. I continue to learn, to enjoy and because of that am able to improve. For instance, last night I used a pipe I have not for several weeks, because it always gurgles, even with the very dry tobacco I smoked in it this last time. However this time, I was able to identify why and will, with a file, be able to correct the issue in the stem.
There is a lot of information, not all of it relevant, not all of it good, and certainly in no short supply. Thankfully, we have a place like this one, and are reminded every now and again to step back and see the forest with the trees.
Oy, apparently Kyle is not the only one who can write on a bit much. :roll: Something of a stream of consciousness, but, at least, mostly on topic. Now, back to it. 8)