I've been going back here and reading many similar posts about this same thing and a couple of things seem common among them. First, varying loading methods, ( obviously demanded by the various tobaccos smoked), various tampling methods (obviously demanded by the various tobaccos smoked), and it all culminates with the question "How do I light less?". It's really not rocket science: smoke FEWER types of tobacco! Many of us long time smokers (40+years) you will probably find smoke 2 maybe 3 maybe 4 different types of tobacco. Many of these are similar in type, cut etc. and we have smoked them for MANY years. Familiarity makes for GREAT smoking!! Another thing is that many of us smoke older, well smoked pipes which smoke differently than newer ones. (hence the appreciation of "estate" pipes) . After you have smoked a pipe for almost 3/4 of your life, you begin to do things in a more intuitive/knowledgeable manner. This is probably something some younger folks won't like to read but when one is 3 times as old, you have just a bit MORE knowledge, life wise, than the youger folks. That's just life
Personally, I only have 3 new pipes out of 80 and all the others were bought over 20 years ago. I have been smoking basically 3 types of tobacco in those pipes for as long as I have had them. I'm FAMILIAR with ALL the aspects of THOSE tobaccos in THOSE pipes. When I started smoking a pipe, what was available to smoke and the pipes available as well were somewhat limited by where you lived and what was available in B&M stores around you as well as local conventions of other smokers where you lived. We did not have the plethora of tobaccos and pipes as are avilable in this internet era we live in now. Sometimes, too much choice can get in the way of the enjoyment of something
I'm now branching into trying smoking straight Virginias and the nature of these is requiring that I change somethings, methodology wise in my smoking. So my tobacco goes out more and I have to relight. So what? The aim is to smoke the tobacco and ENJOY IT! Not achieve some sort of goal of 1 light to finish. Sit down, load your pipe, light it and smoke and enjoy. Relight as much as you need and RELAX