Life has another change for me, whether it be a good decision on my part I'm really unsure but, as of today I sold my shop building and decided to move to Utah to live with my Daughter and family. I really need to be closer to my Daughter but, the stress this has put me under is more then the usual move I've done many times in my life. Maybe because of my age and disability now but, I hope it's the right move and it happens fairly smoothly without many upsets. As you've probably already guessed this will mean no more pipe making and it may mean I may never return to it. To tell you the truth it controls my life and stops me from doing things that need to be done and rarely gives me much pleasure anymore. It was a hobby that turn into a necessity to meet financial needs only to devour my little profit in supply costs. When is the move going to happen, I'm hoping I can get everything packed up and ready by the end of January or February but, even that remains to be seen. I'm the only one here so it'll take time to sell off and pack things. Wish me luck my friends.