Holmes supposedly smoked a lot of "shag" type tobacco, the smell of which repulsed Watson (J. Brett TV version
of the HOTB).
In one Rathbone film, Holmes is gifted a rum-laced "Havana" blend by a character who seems to carry a large metal tobacco jar with him just about everywhere. That film is "The House of Fear," and IMO is THE pipe-smokers
Sherlock film, laced with tobacco/pipe references; in fact they play provide vital clues as to who is the "bad guy!"
(sorry...spoiler alert)
Tea seems less popular than coffee at 221B. Again in Hound of the Baskervilles Holmes (J. Brett) used the
reflection of "a well-polished coffee pot" to observe Watson examining the walking stick left behind by the
unknown visitor.
In that same film Holmes gets rid of Sir Henry's butler, Barrymore, on the pretext of getting "some FRESH
Don't remember tea or tea-drinking playing any prominent role in any of the written or TV/fimed Holmes