We sat down as a family yesterday and watched the 1973 film Tom Sawyer starring, amongst others, a very young Jodie Foster. I was interested to see Huck carve a bowl for a pipe whilst marooned on an island on the Mississippi and later smoke what appeared to be a MM Country Gent with 'twig' for a stem and bit. It made me smile that back then it was deemed ok to feature films where children smoked pipes! I don't have any snags with that now but it did catch my eye.
It got me thinking though, how were the twigs / sticks drilled to accept a draught hole or was this a sprinkling of fantasy? I've made whistles out of elder as it's possible to remove the pithy centre but these whistles are a lot thicker than the requirements for a stem.
Great film though, the children loved it, and daddy was happy at the glimpse of a pipe or two
It got me thinking though, how were the twigs / sticks drilled to accept a draught hole or was this a sprinkling of fantasy? I've made whistles out of elder as it's possible to remove the pithy centre but these whistles are a lot thicker than the requirements for a stem.
Great film though, the children loved it, and daddy was happy at the glimpse of a pipe or two