I won’t even tell you guys my colonoscopy story...which is long (er, the story) and weaves it’s way betwixt “interesting”, “gross”, “bizarre” and “thrilling”. I’ll just say that the procedure likely saved my life, that I am absolutely the poster child for growing polyps and that the meds they give you to knock you out for the procedure are amazing (off and on like a light switch).
PS: there are several different types of pre-proceedure preps they can prescribe. The cheap one is gross and has you choke down gallons of vile stuff...the expensive one is like two glasses of flavored water. You pick.
PPS: I’m now on the annual colonoscopy regime. Pretty exciting. Even though the genetic testing they did on me showed me to be negative for any of the 6 - 8 genetic markers for being predisposed to a high level of polyp growth...I am THE master gardener.