Two cellars...

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
May 5, 2017
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My tobacco and wine cellar. Have to combine the best gustatory collections together.  :D

Nicely done and very neat.  You keep a list of your inventory?
Ahhhh...just spotted the WhiteKnight in the glare. That's a blend to stock up on. I also enjoy BlackHouse, on those two blends I'm set for life.

Lonecoyote":46toh770 said:
Nicely done and very neat.  You keep a list of your in inventory?
Ahhhh...just spotted the WhiteKnight in the glare. That's a blend to stock up on. I also enjoy BlackHouse, on those two blends I'm set for life.

No inventory, that would be like work. I just walk down there and surprise myself from time to time, or when I ask myself, "do I have any (enough) of that?" I do need to get more white Knight, thanks for pointing that out. :scratch:
Nice combination! I hope both serve you well

"Life's too short to drink bad wine or smoke bad tobacco."

Ah yes, I agree with that philosophy, as you can see. :sunny:
Yeah Slow,

I've been givin away some of what's in those jars. Some of the Aro's just don't do much for me.

I noticed you've got some Perique only and Latakia only jars.

I've got some of this as well. At least according to the labels on those CB Perkins jars.

Haven't done any studying up yet on blending my own. How and when do you use those?

Also, saw the jar labeled Periqued Latakia???? That's a new one for me.
Bonanzadriver":egbavl2m said:
Yeah Slow,

I've been givin away some of what's in those jars.  Some of the Aro's just don't do much for me.

I noticed you've got some Perique only and Latakia only jars.

I've got some of this as well.  At least according to the labels on those CB Perkins jars.

Haven't done any studying up yet on blending my own.  How and when do you use those?

Also, saw the jar labeled  Periqued Latakia????  That's a new one for me.
Hello Bonanza,
I'll take the last question first: that is McBaren H&H Vintage Syrian to which i aded 15% perique, and photoshopped the label so I can tell which is which. I thought the Vintage Syrian had a bit of bite by itself, so Iadded some perique, and it lpretty well well eliminated the bite, and brightened up the blend a bit. I read somewhere that perique often has the effect of lessening shrpness in other tobaccos even though its a bit spicy itself. It truly is the truffle of tobacco.

I can't say that I have studied much about how to blend, I just get some ideas by reading the content desriptions of various tobaccos. I play around with latakia and oriental/virginia/latakia/perique ratios looking for the holy grail :roll: I've got at least one that's retty promising, I'll post the recipe in the tobacco section soon. cheers

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