Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
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Well Brothers, I've been away for a while. Time to come back with an update. My girl (Michelle) and I have been doing ALOT these past few months! She graduated from Cosmetology School, and now works at a Salon that she LOVES. We've also started our Home Buying Process. We're gonna be viewing a few houses on Saturday. But that's all small news. I'm FINALLY popping the question!!!!!!!! I'm taking her on her first Backpacking trip. We'll be out there for 5 days. Her first trip. And halfway through, I'll drop on one knee!!! I've already got the Ring, and I've already asked her Dad! I'm incredibly excited!
Just thought I'd update you guys. I'll do my best to pop back here as often as I can. I've missed this forum, just been busy lately!
Congratulations to you both.  

Be true to your heart...and hers.

Enjoy your backpacking trip and as Cart says: "stay away from the poison ivy.."
Great news Zach, best wishes to both of you.
Fantastic news Zach! Great to see you are back posting again!8) 
Oh how wonderfully romantic, enjoy the trip my friend, I just know she'll say yes, how could she not with such a romantic guy. :heart: :cheers: 
Way to go Zach! Congrats!:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: 

I was wondering what happened to you. Good to see back. Congrats & have a wonderful trip.
Congratulations, that sounds like a great way to propose! (Nice one asking the father in advance)
Ludington is a great area. Stayed in Lundigton in a B&B on a weekend getaway. I used to fish the PM at Baldwin, years back. I understand they are trying to shut down the car ferry -- shame. Last one left. I had friends in Muskegon Hts. and we'd see the Milwaukee Clipper coming in. Elegant ol' gal she was.

If you like the outdoors, hard to find better in the Midwest.

Have a great time and a great life.
Good to hear from you Zach!
I think it's awesome that you are "all in" with the proposal and marriage!
Good luck!
Congratulations, Zach. It's good to hear you finally took our advice on that one! ;) 

Best of luck to you and your gal. Don't be a stranger!