She's a RUNK-TO-BE! We went out, had our fun for the first two days, than we got to "The Spot"! It was just as gorgeous as I remember it. Overlooks the river as if it's a stream, and lets in a rush of wind that's breath taking. It was an emotional spot before, but now it's incomparable.
(Warning! Lot's of pictures to come!)
Here's our packs and supplies laid out;
Here's my Nagant Revolver that I bought for the trip, (Lovely little pistol);
The trip there;
Starting the trail;
On the Trail/Campsites;
We created this little campsite along with the fire pit we dug and placed concrete that we found lying about around (It was too windy for an above ground fire);
Than we got to "The Spot";
My plan was to set up camp on this bluff, than propose during sunset. It was far too windy to even open up a tent, so I was left without a choice. Now or Never. We walked back to pick up our packs after these photos, than contemplated where we should set up camp. I said, "Let's walk this way a bit to see if we can scope out a place back in the woods". So we did, and we passed this spot once again, and I said, "You haven't gotten any photos of me here, Snap a couple". I took off my pack, had the ring in my pocket, and posed for a few funny photos. I told her to take like 3 or 4. She took a couple of just me being silly, than one with my reaching into my pocket, than the final one with me on one knee. She took the photo, and tossed the camera to the side, and ran up crying her little eyes out. WE ARE ENGAGED!
So it was a phenomenal trip. She loved it and had her fun. We both got what we wanted. We're both ecstatic about our wedding. But she won't go on a 3 day Snowshoe trip with me

(Sorry this was so long)