Amen and amen to what Brew and a few of the other gents have spoken about Tom.
Concerning my mother: Absolute good news, bordering on miraculous good news. The Doc performed the operation and her 20+lb tumor had somehow turned into fluid. Mind you he and another Doc had poked and prodded the week before. So there's that.. They went in and performed the removal of the tissues involved and a hysterectomy (as planned unbeknown to me) and within a week she was up and about fit as a fiddle.. Mind boggling, she's a tough old bird. She's well on her way back to her normal size 2-3.
On my front it's good news and bad news. The spinal implant is to be considered a success. They set the bar at 50% pain reduction, anything more is considered a win.. We won. The St Jude's Rep has tried 19-20 programs in a month trying to fine tune the thing.. But she's finally got it pretty good and I'd say over all about 60%.. shes scheduled to tinker again in March after I've scarred in a little more.
I'm still on all my meds and I still have trouble walking but the screaming (it is embarrassing to admit and why I haven't been on much) is gone and I have been able to walk around the house unaided. There's a streak in my right hip that is just there. Nothing more to be done but adapt and go on. It's horribly bothersome but at least hearing the news I have the ability to conceive a game plan.
Keep up the good fight! If St Peter sends those angels for you make them report back to heaven with bloody noses, bruised shins, and empty handed. You've already blown the Docs minds on multiple occasions, no sense in not doing it again.
Everyone on the board is pulling for you with much love and willingness to aide in whatever manner possible.