Using nasal snuff all day

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
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I have used nasal snuff for several years but only occasionally as the few times that I have used it several times during the day, by the end of the day it starts to dry up my nasal passages. Am I using too much at a time? I really like it, even the American scotch type snuffs but end up leaving it alone for awhile because of what I mentioned.
I am still a snuffing amateur--learning a little more every day--but I think you have it the right idea trying a smaller pinch.

I have had better luck not getting stuffed up/dried out by taking smaller pinches and leaving it in longer. I don't know if you use mentholated snuff at all, but they can be drying for some people if used in great quanitities. (I only snuff menthols first thing in the morning or before a hot shower.)
Doc Manhattan":3qy51qqg said:
I am still a snuffing amateur--learning a little more every day--but I think you have it the right idea trying a smaller pinch.

I have had better luck not getting stuffed up/dried out by taking smaller pinches and leaving it in longer. I don't know if you use mentholated snuff at all, but they can be drying for some people if used in great quanitities. (I only snuff menthols first thing in the morning or before a hot shower.)
Thanks Doc!
The American made snuffs are primarily for dipping,if your sniffing them
that could be it.They are too harsh for the nose.

Winslow :sunny:
If all esle fails, taking a day or two off from the snuffbox can help... your head recovers, and/or you may find you're getting dried out for another reason. (The cold, dry winters up here are a culprit for me!)
Winslow":rs2akf1m said:
The American made snuffs are primarily for dipping,if your sniffing them
that could be it.They are too harsh for the nose.

Winslow :sunny:
Most of the time I dip them along with a Copenhagen type snuff. The American scotch snuff to dip orally I find quite good but it takes some getting use to the fine cut of them. I grew up around old men a women dipping them. Several members of my family used snuff like Railroad Mills, Peach and Scotch brands.
Doc, I followed your lead and did a pinch of Poschl's Gletscher Prise Menthol right before I got in a hot shower this morning and it was quite refreshing to say the least!
I've been dipping Copenhagen natural, mostly the long cut, for about 2 months. I must say that I like it, but I try to limit myself to one dip a day-the expense, the added health risks.

I keep forgetting to order some snuff when I'm putting in an order for pipe(s) and/or tobacco. I bought some cheap scotch snuff at Food Lion and tried dipping it and it didn't taste good. I was looking for plain snuff.

Anyone have any recommendations for natural snuff; all of it seems flavored.
AB, if you are looking for natural British style snuffs, most of the "toasts" are unflavored. I particularly like Wilson of Sharrow Irish High Toast, a very nice natural tobacco flavor, quite intense. You can get flavored toasts but you can usually tell by the name, such as Toque "Toast and Marmalade" which has an orange flavoring added. There are also natural type snuffs like Toque Natural which is unflavored but not as fine and dry as the toasts. I personally prefer the toasts even though they can be more irritating to the nose.

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