What a wonderful gesture by my Brothers

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Briar Spirit

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
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Our very own JKenP (Ken) contacted me earlier to let me know he had financed a Plateaux pipe kit for me from none other than Mark Tinsky, shipping the works so I can make at least one truly delightful pipe. It'll take up to 3 weeks to get to me but WOW, how amazingly exciting is that, a Tinsky Plateaux pipe kit, I was lost for words when Ken told me of this. Ken sent me off to contact Mark personally to let him know the sort of kit I should like, just in case it were possible I was very specific about what I should like the kit to be suitable for in terms of the pipe I would like to carve from it. If I get half of the spec's I asked for then I shall be an exceedingly happy puppy, I have a pipe idea floating around in me noggin I'd love to make, if Mark can do what I asked then it will be a stunning pipe.

Such a wonderful surprise Ken, thank you very much Brother. :)
Good looking out Ken! :cheers: 

If I had the extra dough I'd help, but I'm in your boat too, Kirk.

Hope it brings you hours of joy and confidence! We all know you'll make something beautiful with it. :cheers: 

Class act Ken...almost makes up for how you are around here. :lol!:

Kirk, better make a nice one, Tinskys briar is awesome. :D
:cheers: Kirk! :cheers: Enjoy! You deserve it!

:cheers: Ken! :cheers: Good on ya! Very classy thing to do!

Honestly, this made my day! So thank you both for showing me there is still some good out there!

No pressure then Guys, no seriously, I fully intend to make the best pipe I can with this kit Ken has so very kindly arranged for me.

I have heard only good things about Mark and his Briar Kyle so I totally respect where you're coming from there, wish I could figure out the best site to buy Briar blocks from myself.

Draagha, please please do not feel at odds my friend, as I said to you in PM's my friend, the fact that you have such warmth and kindness in your heart for me provides me with something infinitely more valuable than any monetary gift could grant me, it grants me belief in myself my friend, how could any other gift be greater. :heart: 
Kyle Weiss":ujz2q201 said:
Class act Ken...almost makes up for how you are around here.  :lol!:
Well, one of us had to come up with a redeeming grace sooner or later.
Briarbabe":iaukfs7i said:
Very classy indeed.
Not really. Folks here will attest I'm more mad magazine type than champagne and caviar wishes.

The reason for this is my getting honked that some briar shop sold him their seconds and it was infuriating enough to simply do something about it. So, think anger and not class.
Class act or angry vengeance, it helped a brother out. I think I can safely say that's all that matters to us Ken :face: 
JKenP":v66zihpo said:
Briarbabe":v66zihpo said:
Very classy indeed.
Not really.  Folks here will attest I'm more mad magazine type than champagne and caviar wishes.

The reason for this is my getting honked that some briar shop sold him their seconds and it was infuriating enough to simply do something about it.  So, think anger and not class.
Really? Ah yes, well then, let me try again.
Very classy indeed. ;)
Great show of brotherly love Ken. Can't wait to see what you make with it Kirk. :D 
i.keenum":8gr7ysbc said:
Great show of brotherly love Ken. Can't wait to see what you make with it Kirk. :D 
I should have some tools here when it arrives, they all arrive actually as John (therev) is also getting Mark to send me a kit and Scot (Slide) is getting Mark to send me a bit of Briar to work on, I will be able to do them all better justice with some better tools. I know, a bad workman always blames his tools, pooey to that say I, I have worked fairly well with what I have here but once I have tools which work well it shouldn't take me in excess of 18 hours of filing to get a bowl shaped. I don't begrudge the time spent on them, in fact I grow to love each pipe all the more with time spent working them but it does start to get quite painful after about 12 hours of filing and there are quite a few hours yet to go.

Strangest part for me with starting to make pipes is how many people are wondering why I don't make 'normal' looking pipes, I don't want to make traditional pipes, they bore me to be honest. I respect traditional shapes but I am not a machine, I don't want to make yet more pipes exactly the same as everyone else. I want to make shapes for pipes which make my heart soar in the wind, I also don't want to make any sort of profit on making pipes. If any pipe I make is intended to make me money it would sadden my heart and darken my soul, I know my pipes will never appeal to collectors, I don't want pipes I make to be collected, I want them to be smoked and enjoyed.

I absolutely adore the idea of people smoking one of my pipes in front of others and the others saying "that's a weird looking pipe huh" and the pipe owner saying "yeah I know, it's a Briar Spirit Pipe, his pipes are as weird as he is", that totally floats my boat. My pipes will never compare to high end Artisans pipes, I have too much respect for such people to even attempt to compare to them, I want to make work-horse pipes that gladden the heart and the soul and put a little smile on the owners face, weird I know but that's me. :heart: 
Well, you now need to change the title to represent far more than me.  I heartily approve of that. That was the original thought for this thread. Please change it to "the guys" or such.

As to a profit,  what is wrong with a profit?  It can be used to finance tools and materials.  That is a good thing.  If it throws in a dinner out or a small luxury, so what!  

I know what is going on.  I built things to and never thought a profit was deserved on what I crafted.  Disabuse yourself of that notion.  There are websites selling a multitude of craft items that don't come close to your work.

So many fail to mix their passion with a business idea.  It is wrong to do that.   Hand made pipe; good briar; that is still a gift at a minimum of $100 to $150 or pounds for that matter.  Try to find one that cheap.  It is still a gift to the smoker.
Titled change Ken. ;)

As for pricing pipes, when I get going with my first batch of Briar, (if I ever find a source in Europe can be trusted, we get hammered by the tax-man importing from America and the postage from America to UK is scary) I do intend adding a small amount on top. It would be small too, I gave it more thought and figured the need for stock and materials is more important than I gave it credit, what ever the materials cost me to make a pipe (Briar & Stem) I imagine adding £25 to increase stock, materials and tools etcetera wouldn't too naughty. So if the materials cost me £30 (that being a top grade Briar pipe with a gorgeous Lucite stem) I would offer the pipe for £55, does that seem too over the top.

My not wanting to charge large amounts for pipes is not so much to do with not feeling worthy, it is a small part yes but I know that given time and experience i can make pipes folk will very much enjoy owning and smoking. I want any pipes i make to be accessible to folk who don't have very much money, I know how it feels looking at beautiful pipes and never being able to afford to own one, heck I spend every single month stretching out a single 50g tin of tobacco as we just can't stretch to more and I'm normally a heavy smoker. If I can put a smile on someone's face when they get one of my pipes in their hand then I will be a very happy camper, a little sappy to some perhaps but there it is. :)
Better if you put a smile on their face for £100 or better. That's eminently reasonable considering the cost of a kit. The pipe kit head your way is from select plateau briar. Mark visited the vendor and has a relationship. Doesn't get much better.

Use the overage to improve your shop and maybe pick up some extra tins for yourself along the way. That's fair for everybody. Look around and you'll see that's a real and generous deal in a truly hand made pipe.

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