A frosty glass or two or three of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, with an evening smoke of Squadron Leader in a Tinsky, out in my workshop.
It's these simple pleasures that keep me sane (somewhat).
NICE!!! Another Brother doin' the ZACAPA!!!!!!
Tell us what you think of it. I have posted about it a few times already.
I believe it is the best "sippin'" rum ever made. :drunken:
Now that I mention it, time for a new bottle...........
Greetings all, hope all are safe and well and life gives a fair shake to those in need.
I am working on the second bottle of an extremely inexpensive bottle of Sheffield Marsala. My only night offf of the week and something to help sleep. I just found this wonderous fluid a few weeks ago and and amazed how well it compliments all tastes of tabacco, wether its an aromatic or english or inbetweeen(even only in small amounts of drink) or the tobacco compliments the Marsala. Worth a try,between 6 and 8 bucks a bottle.
Since K-State is beating Kansas 52-0 in the 4th quater, I think it's safe to say I'll be breaking out the ole Pendleton tonight. I don't care it they don't win another game as long as they beat their interstate rival every year.
Mixed out the Jim Beam from my flask with flat ginger ale in a two liter on my way home from work this morning, right after bumming a cheap vulgar cigarette for old time's sake. Not too bad, would've been better straight. Ease up--I walk to work. Ride the train sometime, look around, and take small comfort knowing that these people aren't behind the wheel.